International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Every day is a day of thanksgiving

A very important key to living healthy and wealthy is to be thankful and grateful to see another day.  Do you know how blessed you are to experience the breath of life?  Did you wake up this morning with a roof over your head?  In a nice, comfy bed?  Were you able to get up without assistance from anyone or anything?  You had running water?  Something to eat?  Money in your pocket?  Money in the bank?  A negative balance?  (A positive is on the way) Clothes?  Most importantly, you had your faculities and your health (no matter what state - you can always get better). 

To me, these things we take for granted each day is our true source of wealth.  We didn't earn the right to life - but have it.  We don't deserve the grace and favor that is bestowed upon us 24-7, but you know what -- God loves us so much, he wants us to have a life abundant of the best of the best - and to live extraordinary - beyond any man's measure.  So be thankful my friends.  Today is an awesome day.  And guess what?  Your best days are still ahead of you.  Tell someone you love them.  Be nice and treat everyone justly.  Remember, we aren't always living up to God's highest expectations, but he forgives us and continues to bless of all of the time.

Keep walking by faith.  It's the only way to ensure we live healthy and wealthy for an eternity.  

Monday, September 12, 2011

Business or Hobby?

It's been a while since we've last chatted. I must say I've missed you. There has not been a day that has gone by and I haven't said - "Man, I need to get back to my blog spot!" Well, today is the day - and the time could not have come sooner. Besides missing our chats - I really needed to get something off my chest.  I keep running into the same issue while attempting to complete transactions with other entrepreneurs. I am finding out that most people are running their businesses like a hobby, instead of a actual business!  ANNOYING!

Here is a question for those of you running your own business.  Are you actively working your business  -whether it's home-based or brick-and-motar, at least seven to ten hours a week?  That amounts to about an hour to an hour-and-a-half daily.  If you can't answer yes - or if you are a customer and you can't reach a business because there's never anyone around to assist you - THEN YOU / OR THAT BUSINESS IS NOT IN BUSINESS!!  It's as simple at that!

No one should have to hire bounty hunter or put out an A.P.B to find you.  Unless your name is "Waldo" or "Carmen San Diego" (two popular PBS kids shows)  Catch my drift? 


This leads me to the other issue that irks me with most businesses.  It's the lack of customer service. I'm just going to cut to the chase. Respect people and their time, respect their requests, respect their complaints - even if they are as wrong as wearing two left shoes. Unfortunately, we have to grin and bear it. Be a person of your word. If you tell someone you're going to do something -- be like the folks at Nike - and just do it! Reward your customers for referrals.  Show them you appreciate them bringing business to your doorstep.  Word of mouth advertising is priceless.   Don't act like they didn't send you some business.   How dare you cash-in and not share the fruits of their labor? They did most of the work -- they got the customer to your doorstep. And  last but not least, for goodness sake - BE ON TIME!  I know things happen - but every time you set an appointment with someone, don't blow it off and be an hour late! Even if it's 5 minutes. Let your customer know it is an honor to serve them -- not the other way around.  You know the old saying...


But what you don't know is what's on your customer's calendar.  Trust me, if you keep disrespecting their time - they will find someone who doesn't.  And try to be accommodating.  I'm not saying bending over backwards all of the time.  But don't try to persuade someone to do what you want them to just to benefit you.  It's not about you.  That script gets old real fast.  And if you're like me, the 3 strike rule applies.  I'm not saying I will never do business with that person again, but I will give them something to think about during my hiatus from their services. 

These are just a few broad strokes for those of us in customer-service fields.  I don't care what your product or service is - if you have to deal with people in any form or fashion - try raising the bar and set the standard for the two issues raised here - and it's off to the races for the health and wealth of your business.  Just another key to add to your ring of success.