International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Swamped In September - But loving It!!!

Hi healthy and wealthy friends.  I am slowly getting back in the groove of blogging again.  I've had so many problems with "Blogger" over the last few months and figuring it out has consumed a lot of my time.  Well, I didn't want to let another week past me by without dropping a line or two to my fabulous community or health nuts.  Today I'll just catch you up on what's unfolding for me over the next few weeks.

Preparing to go to Zumba class as part of my rehab from surgery
First up, I am preparing so I can begin to teach Zumba this fall.  Yes, I'm finally going to bite the bullet and do it.  I began my journey last year but couldn't really fulfill it due to the number of shoulder and elbow surgeries I had to undergo.  Although I'm not 100%, I am going to push through the stiffness, the snaps, the crackles and the pops.  Enough is enough!  It's time to get this Zumba train rolling.  I am so ready to pull out of the old station that had shackled and chained me for over a decade and aggravated a number of my health issues.  Well, now I'm saying "Hasta La Vista Baby!!!  Full steam ahead!!!"  A new life has been waiting for me and there is no room for baggage.  So, with that being said, I'm looking forward to my 2 certification training sessions this month - Pro Skills and a Zumba Kids/Zumba Jrs. I'll keep you updated on my progress.  Oh and if you need any Zumba gear, you can get 10% any clothing items by using the code ALIB10 when you check out at

One of my other big events this month is something I am truly passionate about and hope you are too.  And that is the fight for air - yes air!  I am taking part in the American Lung Association's 2013 Fight For Air Walk on September 29th in Oak Brook, Illinois.  Whether you or someone you know has lung disease, asthma, COPD, emphysema, bronchitis or any other respiratory concern or if you just like breathing clean air, this is a worthy event that needs your support.  If you would like to sponsor me in my walk, visit my personal page by clicking the Air Walk logo.  No donation is too small and is greatly appreciated!

Well, that's about all the time I have for today.  Got to go, go, go!!!  Just one little healthy and wealthy nugget before I sign off:  In the midst of feeling swamped with so much to do and so little time, always remember to stop and catch your breath.  Take 5 or 10 minutes for yourself to reconnect to yourself.  You can only do one thing at a time, one moment at a time.  So whatever you need to do to center yourself:  walk away from whatever is consuming you, go sit in a corner and meditate, drink a big glass of water, pray, close your eyes and think happy thoughts - just do it.  It will help take the stress level down a few notches, allow you to free your mind, complete the task at hand and not feel so beat up in the end.  Alright, enough said, now back to work!  Talk to you soon!!!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Revitalize and Refresh Your Energy With Ginger

Aromatic, pungent and spicy.  These are just a few words used to describe ginger.  But if you ask me, I am a firm believer that ginger root is a holistic herbal miracle! 

It has a very long history of being used as medicine for more than 2,000 years in Asian, Indian and Arabic countries.  Ginger has been used to help digestion, treat stomach upset, diarrhea and nausea.  It's also been used to treat arthritis, colic flu-like symptoms, the common cold, headaches, painful menstrual cycles and heart conditions.  Click this link for more health benefits of ginger.

One of the most common concerns I hear from clients is lack of energy.  Even when they claim to get enough sleep.  My next concern for them is poor diet.  So I go the all-natural route and suggest ginger.  It is one of my energy boosters that is definitely a pepper-upper!  It increase the blood flow and circulation, which makes you feel less tired.  Now, I must point out, this does not work overnight, but after a few days to a week of eating or drinking ginger, you'll notice a change in your energy along with other health benefits too, without resorting to caffeine or other stimulants that can wreak havoc on your body.

So my healthy and wealthy advice is to give ginger a try.  It will revitalize and fresh your energy and possibly help out in other areas of your health too!

Check out this recipe to get you started  using ginger.

Ginger Drink Prep Time: 7 minutes Cook Time: 24 hours Yield: 6-8 servings



1 pound fresh ginger root

2 quarts of water

juice of 2 limes

maple syrup or agave nectar 

  1. Thinly peel the fresh ginger, grate and mix with water in a large saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer for 4 minutes. Cover the pan and turn off the heat; leave for 24 hours.
  3. Strain the liquid through a fine mesh sieve.
  4. Add lime juice and maple syrup or agave to taste.
  5. Stir until dissolved.  Serve chilled.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

I Got the Blog-on Blues

Until Further Notice ... Claim Your Health and Wealth is on hiatus until we work out some technical issues.  Information in many posts have disappeared.  Working to fix the matter.  In the meantime, please follow me on Facebook,

or on Twitter @AliciaBettes


Thank you for your continued support! - Alicia


Monday, June 24, 2013

Patience is the best medicine.

Patience is a virtue.  Patience is love.  Patience is kind.  Personally, patience keeps my blood pressure in check.  Lately, I keep finding myself in situtations where I am forced, compelled or requested to wait.  Now, I usually don't mind, but more and more often my patience continues to be tested. I am really not sure why, but I have learned a few techniques to distract myself from what can be very annoying, especially when you're on a schedule or just want to complete your task or tasks at hand.

For those of us who pray - this is my first stop. I ask God to help me slow down, take a few deep breaths and reflect on all of His goodness.  The first scripture that pops into my mind is I Corinthians 13: 4-7, which reads: "4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (NIV)

I then begin the 4-7-8 breathing technique taught in meditation exercises.  Inhale through the nose for 4 counts, hold your breath for 7 and exhale out the mouth for 8.  You don't have to over exaggerate the breath.  Just do it calmly as many times as you feel you need or at least 4 times every 10-15 minutes you feel stressed or have to endure teeth-grinding, hand-wrenching, nerve wracking detainment for no REAL APPARENT REASON!!!

And then of course you can find things to distract your attention.  Go outside for a walk, play with your pet, read a magazine or book, play a silly online game, clean something or my favorite distraction - writing.  Yeah, kind of like now.  I had been thinking about sitting down writing my weekly blog post, but have been busy.  Well, now that I'm waiting around, instead of becoming frustrated beyond measure, screaming or getting a major attitude, I decided to share my experience with you.

Only you know when enough is enough and how to effectively handle each situation on a case by case basis.  These are just a couple of my personal tips to keep the peace in what feels like a war going on inside your head and probably throughout your body. 

Here's to your continued health and wealth!  Have a great rest of the day!

Monday, June 17, 2013

"Dosha" Know Your Skin? Ayurveda Beauty Solutions

Confused by the title?  Think I've made a grammatical error?  Nope!  I'm right on the money with this one.  We are just a few days away from summer.  And for many of us, we've been waiting to bare some skin since last September or October.  That got me to thinking:  Why do so many people have so many problems caring for their skin throughout the year - particularly summer?  Maybe it's because they don't know their skin dosha.  A recent episode of my favorite show, Dr. Oz inspired me to revisit what I'd learn in nutrition school about Ayurvedic medicine and how it could help others learn to love the skin they've been given. 

First let me explain what a dosha is.  A dosha is a mind-body type.  Ayurveda us the ancient medical system of India, that is still used today, which believes the cause of skin conditions is thought to be a dosh imbalance.  There are three doshas in Ayurveda.  They are"  Vata, Pitta and Kapha.  Each has a unique set of characteristics and if you know your dosha, then you can take steps to possibly prevent skin problems before they begin.

The funny thing about following Ayurveda is that you'll learn almost every food you love is probably on the "you really should avoid that" list.  For instance, I fall under the Pitta dosha.  Here is what this food as medicine system says about me:

Pitta Skin
Pitta skin types need to stay cool. Their skin tends to burn easily and they are more sensitive to sun exposure. A Pitta imbalance can result in rashes, acne, and other inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Foods to Eat
Pitta skin types should eat sweet, watery fruits like melons, mangos, and pears. Think of a pot of water on high heat – Pitta evaporates the heat from your skin so you need to add foods with a high water content to keep Pitta in balance. Pitta is the exact opposite of Vata in terms of temperature, so eating foods that are cooling such as coconut oil and rose petal jam helps to reduce the skin inflammation. Get the Pitta meal plan.

Herbs to Take
There are three great herbs for balancing Pitta skin:
  • Turmeric powder has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and you can use in your cooking

  • Amla berry, which is a cooling herb. You can take this as a supplement beginning at 250mg a day. It is also available in jam form.

  • Fennel seeds, which are ideal for digestion. Chew a pinch of fennel seeds after your meals. 

What to Avoid
Pitta skin gets aggravated by eating spicy foods so they should avoid foods like chilies, black pepper, and jalapenos. The heat in spicy foods further increases Pitta people’s own natural internal heat.

Anyone who knows me knows I love, love, love spicy foods.  It's also the reason I experienced heart burn for the first time in my life this year!  I was so fired up over this experience, I blogged about it.  Check out my January 24th entry.  So, you have to know I was floored to hear I probably should avoid spicy foods.  I will say Ayurveda was right.  I cut out my fiery foods for a week and I saw a huge difference in my skin's appearance and texture.  Less red undertones - the natural ones were there, but the inflammatory ones disappeared.  Fewer breakouts and my skin felt smooth and looked hydrated. 

I am a huge fan of using food as medicine.  That's the reason I decided to become a holistic health coach.  While I do acknowledge the power of traditional medicines, I would rather take a green or natural approach for my health and wellness unless it becomes absolutely necessary to go the other route. If you're interested in learning how Ayurveda medicine could work for you, click here and take this quiz to determine your dosha and get the solutions for your skin.  And as always, please leave me a comment or contact me if you need any support in achieving your health and wellness goals.  Be sure to visit my health coaching website and share it with others.  The address is

That's the latest skinny on SKIN.  So get ready to bare yours....or not.  Just remember to love yourself - because you're good enough, smart enough and doggone it, people like you! 


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quick Bites

Fast Food:  Not your drive-thru variety

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet many of us rarely acknowledge its existence.

Get the most mileage out of your food.  Eat healthy 90% of the time.

  Did you sleep too late?  Are you too tired to eat or just not up for eating first thing in the morning?  Whatever your reason for not eating breakfast, it's time to change your tune.  Eating breakfast can fill you up and help prevent snacking.  If you're trying to lose weight, gain more energy or you have simply have run out of options, I have a few breakfast suggestions that will fuel you and help you rise and shine the rest of the day.

1. Fruit.  Start your day with fruit.  There are a number of ways you can incorporate it in a healthy diet and quick meal.  Apples, bananas, pears, grapes are the best grab-and-go types, but any and all fruit is highly recommended.  Fruit is low in calories and contains some of the fiber necessary for a healthy diet. Click here to read more on why fruit is so important to our daily diet. 
2. High-fiber toast. Not just any bread will do.  Go for 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain breads.  Pop a piece or two in the toaster, spread on some almond butter or peanut butter for protein and out the door you go!
3. Hard-boiled egg. Got 5 to 7 minutes?  Then hard-boiled eggs are in order.  They are full of protein and a great source of vitamin B-12 and riboflavin - which are essential for energy production, cancer prevention, better hair, skin and nail and cell regeneration.  Cook your eggs ahead of time and then they're ready to enjoy alone, on a breakfast sandwich or salad (yes, you can eat salad for breakfast too!)
4. Smoothie. By far, my favorite option.  You can combine your favorite fruits and veggies, protein source, choice of dairy or non-dairy items water or juice.  Check out my monthly newsletter for a quick and easy recipe.

5.  Oatmeal, cream of wheat or grits. Have to eat at your desk?  Packets of  instant oatmeal and grits are easy to store in your desk and simple to make.  Just add hot water and eat.  Add fruit or nuts to bulk up your fiber and protein I Your instant options are high in carbohydrates and fiber and relatively low in calories.  Just watch out for added sugar.  Try to buy low-sugar or unsweetened varieties.   





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It’s such a pleasure to help those closest to us become happier and healthier. Please forward this blog to friends, family members or colleagues who might be interested and inspired by it.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Overjoyed With Oils

Hi healthy and wealthy friends.  I trust everyone had a safe, relaxing and prosperous long holiday weekend.  Now that it's the un-official start of summer, this is also a good time to do some early summer purging and makeovers.  Yes, it's kind of an extension of spring cleaning - but I like to call it my pre-summer tune-up.  And my initial area of attack - my medicine cabinet.  Yes, I am going through a MEDICINE CABINET MAKEOVER!

I am so excited today to share with you my experiences with using essential oils.  I have really been head-over-heels and overjoyed by the results.  The certified pure therapeutic grade or CPTG, essential oils I've been using have been life-changing.  Here are a few I believe no home should be without.

LEMON ESSENTIAL OIL - This oil can be used aromatically, topically, internally and with or without dilution.  I add a few drops to my water EVERY DAY!!! It provides me with so many benefits.  For starters, it helps boost my immune system, so I can prevent sickness and disease in my body.  Lemon also helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes.  It flushes out toxins and relieves respiratory problems.  You can also use it to elevate your mood, soothe a sore or dry throat and it can be used to clean kitchen counters and stainless steel appliances!  This is an all-around utility oil with many uses - even more than I have listed.

PEPPERMINT ESSENTIAL OIL - Ok, peppermint oil is my new BFF.  I use it to help combat any nasal or respiratory stuffiness or chest tightness from allergies and asthma.  My symptoms have been almost non-existent since I started using the oil.  If an allergen triggers discomfort, the problem ceases within about 10-15 minutes of using the oil.  Peppermint oil is invigorating, so it helps wake you up and improve your alertness and it can cool you down if you're feeling overheated.  I also use it with lavender oil (which we'll talk about next) on my forehead, temples and neck to calm a headache.  Goodbye over-the-counter meds that cause all kinds of ridiculous side-effects and possible interactions.  Don't get me wrong - you guys work, but now that I know better, I DO BETTER!

LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL - Can you say oh, so relaxing?  I know you have heard about the calming effects of lavender.  And when you use pure therapeutic grade lavender, you are transported into a spa-like realm that words just can't describe.  As I mentioned, it works wonders for soothing headaches and your emotions.  But did you know that when it's applied topically it can calm irritated skin, lips and reactions to bee stings or bug bites?  If you have trouble falling to sleep, a few drops on your pillow or to the bottom of your feet will have you hanging out with the Mr. Sandman in no time.


These three oils offer benefits beyond measure.  They, in my opinion, should be in everyone's medicine cabinet, purse, brief case, gym bag or whatever you use to carry your personal belongings.  They are the "essentials" when it comes to making over your medicine cabinet with essential oils.

I have an awesome way for you to get these home at a fraction of the cost too.

Go to and click the shopping link.  Under the products list, click on "product packages."  Scroll down the screen and look for the introductory kit.

It will run you only $26.67 - tax and shipping not included. You'll receive a 5 ml bottle of the 3 oils I mentioned today and an introductory CD and booklet in a stunning presentation box that includes suggested uses of the oils.  You can then begin the immediate experience of the life-changing benefits that make me extremely excited.  Trust me, you won't regret your purchase.

If you want to save even more or your next purchase, contact me at so you can become a preferred member and receive 20% off all future purchases.

Thanks again for following me on this journey.  And as always, remember this:  Your health is your wealth, invest in it wisely every day!

*None of these statements are meant to diagnose, cure or treat any disease


Monday, May 20, 2013

Oklahoma: Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

In light of recent events in my life and today in Oklahoma, I felt it was necessary to post this simple, yet profound quote of the day - which should be our mantra for life:

Remember, this is the only way to ensure you are living the healthiest and wealthiest life of your dreams!

Now, stop existing and get back to living!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fried cabbage with spicy turkey sausage, made by Alicia Bettes 
Good Afternoon my healthy and wealthy friends.  As promised yesterday, via my pages and  ,  I tried out this great fried cabbage and sausage recipe with a few "healthy" modifications.  Check my Facebook pages for the complete recipe.  But I'll tell you what I swapped.  First of all, the recipe called for bacon grease.  I won't even go there right now - so, what I will tell you is that I used coconut oil instead.  And I also traded polish sausage - which is usually made with pork casing - for a spicy turkey sausage made with a soy casing.  All I have to say is mmmm, mmmm, good!  This is a quick and easy recipe.  I don't think the most inexperienced cook could mess it up.  I also made a pan of homemade cornbread.  Just Google an easy recipe that fits your fancy or whatever box version you're used to.  The combination was scrumptious!  And this pan gave allowed plenty of leftovers for my husband and me.  The great thing about this is the cabbage and the other veggies help fill you up with good fiber and low calories.  You can change up the type of sausage (chicken, beef, pork, veggie) for a nice protein boost and the cornbread helps kick the meal up a notch - making it complete.  The only thing missing is a fruit.  You can save that for an after dinner snack/dessert  or make a fruit smoothie.  Anyway - give this recipe a try and let me know what you think.  Bon Appetit ! 

***Be sure to keep my website handy if you or someone you know is in the market for a holistic health coach: - I empower women to stop dieting and learn how to eat right and live the life of their dreams!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Crazy about Cilantro and its Healing Powers

Cilantro, cilantro, cilantro.  What can I say?  I have been in love with this herb for a while now, but I fell in love with it even more today when I learned of its healing powers.  I always knew it, along with other herbs are good for you, but I didn't know specifically how this savory, pungent and tasty fella actually fit into living healthy and wealthy.  Listen up, if you don't have any cilantro in your kitchen, go out and buy some today.  Here's why:

If you are concerned about exposure to heavy metals, that pose a real risk of heavy metal poisoning, not to mention that our environment is saturated with these toxins, a method called "chelation" is the only way to remove metal toxins from the body.  A synthetic amino acid called EDTA is administered orally.  It then binds with the heavy metals in the body and aids with the excretion of  toxins. For years this was believed to be the best way to rid the body of heavy metal toxins.  But, in 1995 a man named Dr. Omura of the Heart Disease Research Foundation made an exciting discovery. He realized his patients excreted higher than normal levels of mercury after consuming significant quantities of cilantro. The original discovery was entirely accidental, but Dr. Omura did further research and found that dosing patients with cilantro was an effective means of removing mercury from the body. This is considered the most natural way to rid the body of such poisons.

You'll just need a couple of tablespoons of fresh cilantro daily to do the trick in about three weeks. Cilantro also provides an overall blood and body cleanse. It increases liver function, helping the organ detoxify the blood and lymph fluids.

It's easy to incorporate cilantro into your diet. This is a relatively common Mexican herb. The fresh leaves and stems provide the best healing qualities. Toss them into a salad or make fresh salsa with chopped cilantro for a powerful flavor boost.  I use cilantro in tacos, omelets, rice and pasta dishes and anytime a recipe calls for parsley, I may toss in a few sprigs.  I used some today in my homemade 4-bean turkey chili.  I can't wait to chow down and heal my body and my appetite!  Chow!


Friday, May 3, 2013

Do You Do "doTerra"?

Welcome to May my healthy and wealthy friends.  It's been about a month since I was able to check-in with you.  I apologize for my absence.  While I have been insanely busy, I've missed you like crazy. 

April was an amazing and challenging month for me.  I won't burden you with all the details, but just know that a lot of time was spent on ways to expand my knowledge base and equip myself with more tools to help us continue to grow and flourish in the healthy wealthy destinies we were created to live.

One of my most interesting and rewarding finds is an awesome company called doTerra, meaning gift of the earth. doTerra markets some of the safest, purest essential oils and wellness products available in the world today.  They are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) essential oils that are 100% pure aromatic extracts and contain no artificial ingredients and are tested to be free of contaminants such as pesticides or chemical residues.

I have personally used 4 of their fabulous products over the last week and I have to say I was completely blown away by the results.

Here's what I tried out:  Deep Blue, for achy/sore joints and muscles, Lavender and Peppermint oils for a headache and an essential oil called Breathe for cold/congestion symptoms.  Every single last product worked like magic. 

I massaged in the Deep Blue cream on my shoulders and elbows - if your remember, those are the areas I underwent surgery for last year.  They still get a bit sore and stiff from time to time.  Within about 15 minutes of applying Deep Blue, my targeted areas felt loose, relaxed and pain-free.  I was able to sleep through the night without the tossing and turning I usually experience because I am in pain.

Next up, Breathe; what can I say, it is a breath of fresh air!  No kidding.  I have literally been walking about with some remnant of the cold and flu for about a month.  I just couldn't shake it.  It eventually turned into pneumonia.  Well, my chest congestion has been downright miserable and my off and on clogged sinuses made me feel like every breath would be my last.  I rubbed some  Breathe essential oil on my chest and neck.  Ten minutes later my nasal passages were open and all of the icky junk clogging me up started coming out.  Don't be too grossed out by that - it was the best my respiratory system felt since March!  And much of my annoying coughing subsided too!

Last but not least, Lavender and Peppermint oils are my new headache go-to remedy.  I had a booming headache after all of that coughing and hacking.  I didn't want to take another Tylenol or Aleeve, because they weren't working!  So I flipped though my doTerra Family Physician Kit and saw that lavender and peppermint combined are a great remedy for headaches.  So I dabbed the oils on my temples and massaged them in for a minute or two and just 15 minutes later, my headache was gone and it has not come back since then.

Ok, so in a nutshell, if you don't use doTerra products, you should!  They are a great way to help and heal what's ailing you and your family and friends.  Instead of running out to your local pharmacy for those over-the-counter medicines that can have terrible side-effects, long-term or short-term for some people - you could go to your kitchen, your bathroom, your bedroom or living room and find a safe, holistic approach to your needs.

If you have any question about these products, check out my website for details.  The web address is or shoot me an email.  If I don't know the answer, I will find someone who can help us with a solution.

Thanks so much for being loyal, healthy and wealthy followers.  I love you all and wish you an abundance of peace and blessings!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Food Focus: Greens

Hello Healthy and Wealthy Friends!  Happy April 1st!  No fooling around here today.  I am serious about your health, wellness and happiness!

Just last month, I talked to you about how important it is to "GO GREEN" in your diet.  This month, I really want you to consider actually doing it.  If you read my latest newsletter, you know I suggested you do a little spring cleaning this month.  Not just your home, but your physical body as well.   One of the best ways to do that is by incorporating leafy greens into your daily routine.  Greens are some of the easiest and most beneficial vegetables can cook and eat.  Densely packed with energy and nutrients, they grow upward to the sky absorbing the sun's light while producing oxygen.  Members of this royal green family include kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, mustard greens, arugula, dandelion greens, broccoli rabe, watercress, beet greens bok choy, napa cabbage, green cabbage, spinach and broccoli.

How do greens benefit our bodies?  They are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and zinc, and are a powerhouse for vitamins A, C, E and K.  They are crammed full of fibger, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phytochemicals.  Their color is associated with spring, which is a time to renew and refresh vital energy.  In traditional Asian medicine, the color green is related to the liver, emotional stability and creativity.  Greens aid in purifying the blood, strengthening the immune system, improving liver, gall bladder and kidney function, fighting depression, clearing congestion, improving circulation and keeping yoru skin clear and blemish free.

Leafy greens are the vegetables most missing from the American diet and many of us never learned how to prepare them. Start with the simple "Shitake and Kale" recipe that is posted today on my facebook page. Then each time you go to the market, pick up a new gree to try. Soon you'll find your favorite greens and wonder how you ever lived without them.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Feelin' Green: Part 3: Energetic Kiwi-Pineapple Salsa

Everybody is feeling green today.  It's St. Patrick's Day, and whether you agree or not, you're an honorary Irishman (smile).  So, kick back and enjoy the day with this delightful, Energetic Kiwi-Pineapple Salsa recipe.  What's so energetic about it?   The little mean, green powerhouse kiwi!  As I mentioned on Friday, just 2 of these guys is only 100 calories, has more potassium than a banana, more Vitamin C than an orange and more fiber than a bowl full of bran flakes.  They are the perfect on-the-go snack that can give you a energy boost anytime of the day.  They also are very delicious and versatile when it comes to cooking and baking.  Try this salsa recipe with the kale chips I told you about yesterday and wow your family and friends.  They probably won't realize the combo is so good for them because they taste awesome!


  • 2 (8-oz.) cans pineapple tidbits, drained (you can use fresh pineapple too if you like)
  • 2 kiwifruit, peeled and diced
  • 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro leaves, minced
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon minced jalapeño pepper
  • Salt to taste


  1. Stir together first 5 ingredients; add salt to taste.

Food for thought:

This recipe is really, really low in calories.  So don't sweat it.  Just eat it!  It's all about getting good things in your body and eating until you're almost full, not miserable.  Drink water before and after your meal/snacks.  Not during.  You'll get fuller faster, stay fuller longer and not want to crunch and munch on unhealthy, sugary, salty and fatty foods. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Feelin' Green: Part 2: Krispy Kale Chips

Good Evening healthy and wealthy friends.  I hope you are having a super Saturday! As I promised yesterday, here's a tasty green recipe I simply adore!  It's for my Krispy Kale Chips.  They are super delicious, nutritious and great for those of us who crave crunchy and salty snacks.  They only problem is you feel like you can't stop eating them!  But don't worry.  You can eat a ton of these and still not rack up the calories, salt and sugar in a bag of potato chips.  Seriously, give them a try and let me know what you think.  Oh, and that frosty drink next to the bowl of kale chips is a berry-mango smoothie I whipped up.  What a great treat this was last night.  I think I may have it again tonight!
- 1 bunch of fresh kale greens
- Olive Oil
- Your choice of seasonings
1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees:  Lightly coat a non-stick cookie sheet with cooking spray or line with parchment paper.
2.  Take your bunch of kale and separate leaves from stems (I like the stems so I left them on).  Wash and thoroughly dry the kale.  Then transfer to cookie sheet.
3.  Drizzle with olive oil and your favorite seasoning.  Try to use salt-free/sugar-free seasoning - we are trying to keep this healthy!!)  Himalayan or Celtic salt are also OK to use since these are salts that are good for you.
4.  Bake for 10-15 minutes until the edges of the leaves are "krispy" and little brown but not burnt.
5.  Enjoy!
Makes roughly 6 servings.  Calories will range from about 40 - 50 per 1 cup serving; this depends on the amount of oil and the type of seasoning you use.  Don't even sweat the fat - it will be a minimal amount anyway, plus it's olive oil - a good source of mono-unsaturated fat. 
Tomorrow I'll share an energy boosting, kiwi salsa recipe you'll simply adore!

Friday, March 15, 2013

I'm Feelin' Green...but that's okay! It's All Good!

Green, leafy vegetables and fruits - Should be 60% of your daily diet
I just can't get enough green things these days. Yeah, money ranks right up there, but I'm talking about food! I actually crave every green, leafy veggie and fruit you can think of. From collard to kale, from apples to kiwi, every day I make sure to get these bad boys in my diet. In fact, I aim for making fruits and veggies 60% of my daily diet. And if I may offer a suggestion (cuz' that's what I do - LOL!), you should start feeling green too!

Green is not just for St. Patrick's Day, although I do enjoy the Chicago River when it's fashionably dyed a darker green that it already is this time of year (ha!). We should incorporate the color in our daily diet. Plant-based foods are essential for our health. And the most potent ones guessed it, GREEN. They packed with a lot of flavor and are a nutrient powerhouse! The have tons of vitamins and minerals and even protein. They help keep you feeling alive, fresh and clean (literally). They're great for clearing up respiratory problems, digestive issues and boosting energy. My two favorite glorious green foods are Kale and Kiwi - not together necessarily, but as I'm typing this, the pair may combine efforts for a scrumptious salad.

Why Kale? Kale is so versatile. You can enjoy it cooked or raw, lightly stir-fried, baked, as a condiment on a sandwich or the centerpiece of a really, super-duper smoothie. This "new beef" of greens is low in calories (1 cup = 36 calories), high in fiber, has more calcium than milk, an excellent source of antioxidants and a great source of vitamins A and C.

And that little mean-green kiwi isn't short-stopping either! The kiwi packs more potassium than a banana. It's also a superb go-to item when your energy needs a boost. Just 2 kiwi will only cost you 100 calories so it's the perfect afternoon snack, salad topping or smoothie ingredient.

If you'd like to learn more about why it's so important to really feel green in your diet or if you energy level needs a boost, please contact me today to schedule your free initial consultation. You can log onto for more information

I hope you enjoyed these healthy and wealthy nuggets. Tune in tomorrow for some great Kale and Kiwi recipes!

Have a great Friday!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Dream Big, Live Big and Enjoy the Journey

"I'd rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate."
         -George Burns
I am sitting here at my desk on this beautiful Monday morning just thinking and thanking God for all He has blessed me with over my life - particularly this day.  I am healthy and alive - two of the biggest gifts anyone should be overjoyed to have.  And with this being the first Monday since March 2012 that I haven't had a school assignment, modules to listen to and study and a test to take, I began to feel a little bit out of sorts, like I didn't know what to do or what could be headed my way.  My graduation from nutrition school is this Friday and I'm starting to get those doubtful thoughts in my mind - you know the ones you get when you embark on something new.  "Is this really going to work?"  "Did I make the right decision by starting this journey?"  "Can this be successful?"  That's when it hit me.  The words of the man who played God for many years - Mr. George Burns.  I have his quote hanging over my desk.  "I'd rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate."  And just for a moment, those words of wisdom and encouragement escaped me.  So I began to think about the journey getting to this point in my life.  The ups, the downs, the wins, the loses.  I then examined how I feel today versus a year ago in my life - and you know what? 


 I won't go into all the particulars.  Wait for the book (LOL!).  But I will say this.  I didn't let anyone or anything limit my dreams.  I believed in myself and trusted God to see me through.  I continued to speak words of faith over my life and surrounded myself with positive people, events, books, media programs and music.  No Negative Nellies Allowed!!!  No matter what problems/challenges I may have face, I know they are only temporary and are shaping me to become a better and more brilliant specimen of my former self.
Remember this:  Life is short.  I don't care if it's 1 year, ten years or a hundred or more years.  It never seems like there's enough time for anything these days.  So stop procrastinating.  Get focused, take risks and do all the things you have been dreaming or wishing you could do.  And remember to bless people along the way and enjoy your journey.  God sees your hidden treasures and wants to bring them out of you.  You just have to trust He'll make your dreams a reality!  He wants you to live healthy and wealthy for an eternity!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Coconut and Almond Protein Pancakes

Happy Thursday!!! Today's entry is a A "Rite Choice Nutrition" Recipe Favorite.  Check this one out from one of my healthy and wealthy peeps!  Coconut and Almond Protein Pancakes.  So, so, yummy and you don't have to feel guilty about enjoying them because they pack a powerful protein punch!  Click on the link below for the full recipe.  This is yet another deposit to your health and wealth accounts.  Enjoy!

Female Health Motivation: Coconut and Almond Protein Pancakes: Prep time : 5mins Cook time: 2mins: per pancake Makes 3 pancakes    Ingredients:   Traditional Oats, 40 g Ground Almonds, 1...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sweet, Sweet Sleep

Good afternoon my healthy and wealthy friends.  Wherever you are, I hope you are having a brilliantly and wonderfully blessed day.  I plan on keep today's post short and sweet - because there's a queen-size, pillow-top mattress and three fluffy down-feathered pillows awaiting me.  That's right, I am headed for a siesta as soon as I finish writing.  Yes, it's the middle of the afternoon - no I am not sick.  But when your body tells you to "lay it down" you need to listen.  Even if I don't fall asleep, I am taking time to stop and rest so I don't collapse and fallout.  I feel great.  I've been really busy getting my arms back in shape after 3 major surgeries in 9 months and I'm also prepping for my Eating For Energy Workshop this Thursday, February 9, 2013 at Accelerated Rehabilitation Center, 8658 S. Cottage Grove in Chicago - starting at 6:30pm (shameless plug - but join me if you can).  And I also have a half-dozen appointments between tomorrow and Saturday.  So you see, a girl needs her rest!  And you probably do too!  It's so important that we get at least 6 to 9 hours of sleep every single night - and take naps when the feeling hits you (20 to 30 minutes only! - You don't won't to ruin your bedtime).  Anything less than that is a huge problem.  You'll not only experience fatigue or lack of energy, but lack of sleep has been linked to depression, obesity, high blood pressure, headaches, blood sugar swings and many other unnecessary health problems.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates nearly 40 million American suffer from lack of sleep.  Are you a part of the statistic?  Find ways to "fit out" instead of "fitting in".  Simply put, do something out of the ordinary - kick the status quo in the can and walk in a zig-zag instead of the mundane straight line.  Stop depriving yourself of this essential element of living a healthy and wealthy life - SLEEP!  Enough said, I'm going to bed!  Ciao!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Burn Baby Burn - Heartburn Inferno!

OMG!  I have never, never, never, never, EVER had heartburn or acid reflux in my life.  That is until tonight! It was one of the worst things I have ever experienced.  I seriously thought I was going to choke, fall out and die.  No kidding.  It hit me out of nowhere.  I was walking through the grocery store after having dinner at a nearby restaurant just 10 minutes prior to the episode.  I got ready to say something to the clerk when all of a sudden the Great Chicago Fire erupted in my chest and throat.  I was paralyzed physically and verbally.  I couldn't move, I couldn't speak.  I began gasping and trying to swallow, but the burning sensation nearly caused me to blackout.  Tears welled up in my eyes and all I could think what the heck is happening to me?  Within about 90 seconds, what felt like a never-ending burning sensation subsided and I slowly was able to breathe and speak without gasping for air.  I began to swallow and dry the tears from my face.  It then hit me - you just had an episode of acid reflux!  Wow!  I had heard of people having this, I've seen commercials for over-the-counter treatments but never had to deal with it personally.  Even as a health coach, I haven't had any clients that report having acid reflux.  And tell you the truth, I hope I never do!  That's not to say I wouldn't welcome them to the Rite Choice Nutrition family - I just never want anyone to experience what I went through and I am going to make sure it does not happen to me again.

Time for a quick medical lesson:

What Is Acid Reflux Disease?

The fabulous staff at WebMD helped me to understand what acid reflux is.  Without getting too technical, it's basically when stomach acid moves up into your esophagus.  This happens when a ring of muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter or LES for short doesn't close all the way or opens too often when food passes through it.

What Causes Acid Reflux Disease?

Ok, now that I understood that, I had to figure out what causes it.  I was shocked to learn there are so many things that can lead to acid reflux.  Some of the common risk factors include:
  • Eating large meals or lying down right after a meal
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Eating a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the waist
  • Snacking close to bedtime
  • Eating certain foods, such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or spicy or fatty foods
  • Drinking certain beverages, such as alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, or tea
  • Smoking
  • Being pregnant
  • Taking aspirin, ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, or blood pressure medications

As you can see, I highlighted a few of the risk factors. That's because these are the ones I believe sparked my episode. Starting backwards, I took ibuprofen a few hours before dinner and I am still taking a daily, low dose of blood pressure medicine - per doctor's orders for the next 3 months. I drank both coffee and tea earlier in the day. And I ate just about everything mentioned in the list of food except mint. Oh, but now that I think of it, I did have some mint flavored chewing gum too! Oy ve! The fatty food was my weekly splurge - which was fried onion strings with jalapeno peppers. Yummy, but I think I won't indulge in them for a while after what just happened.

What Are the Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease?

In case you can't relate to the description of the symptoms I had, here are some other common one\:
  • Heartburn: a burning pain or discomfort that may move from your stomach to your abdomen or chest, or even up into your throat
  • Regurgitation: a sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your throat or mouth
Other symptoms of acid reflux disease include:
  • Bloating
  • Bloody or black stools or bloody vomiting
  • Burping
  • Dysphagia -- a narrowing of your esophagus, which creates the sensation of food being stuck in your throat
  • Hiccups that don't let up
  • Nausea
  • Weight loss for no known reason
  • Wheezing, dry cough, hoarseness, or chronic sore throat
These symptoms surprised me as well - because I dismissed them and related them to something else.  Good reminder to not to that.  There's a reason why something happens and it is not always what we think it is.

How Is Acid Reflux Disease Diagnosed?

Here's the deal friends:  If you have acid reflux symptom two or more times a week, it's probably a good idea to make an appointment to see a doctor.  That is a feeling I would want to have twice in a lifetime, let alone more than twice a week!  Of course there are several medication on the market to treat the problem, but being a holistic practitioner, I seek natural remedies first.  Avoiding the triggers is what I always do first.  Then I'll look for an alternative treatment and if all else fails, I turn to meds temporarily while still avoiding the triggers.  Lifestyle changes are key when fighting any sickness or disease.  If this doesn't work or if your symptoms become more severe, you physician may need to test and check for other problems.

The road to living healthy and wealthy can sometimes be a little bumpy.  And as the old saying goes, you play with fire, you'll eventually get burned.  In my case it was heartburn!  Well, I let my guard down and even though I was mostly enjoying healthy foods, I probably overdid it with spicy meals (I just love spice) and the citrus too (lime, orange, pineapple).  Those are some of my favorite fruits to squeeze over veggies, salads and whole-grains.  Guess I'll have to make some modifications along the way and pay more attention to food combinations.  I like things hot, but that was way too hot for me!

Take care everyone.  Until next time - keep investing in your health and wealth.  Leave me a message here on the blog and tell me about how you're depositing into your account.  You can also follow me on Facebook.  Peace!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Boost Your Energy, Get Your Spark Back

Hey, Hey, Hey everybody (in my best Fat Albert Voice) !  I absolutely loved that show growing up!  Any-"hew" it's just after 1pm CST and this is the time of day when most people start feeling like enough is enough, they need a nap and just can't seem to get their motor revving to finish the day.  Been there, done that and it is the worst feeling ever!  But since I started my journey to live healthy and wealthy, I have reclaimed one of my greatest commodities.  And that is MY ENERGY!!!  I'd like to share with you my top 3 quick fixes to boost your energy and get your spark back.

The first thing I do when I'm feeling sluggish is grab some water! Splashing it on your face can help, but I suggest drinking at least eight ounces right off the bat.  Give it about 10 minutes and you'll feel like a new person.  Still feel like your tank is running low, drink another four to six ounces and then remember to hydrate every 20 to 30 minutes.  Your improved amount of energy will surprise you and anyone who saw you fading away in your groggy state.

My next suggestion is take a walk.  A brisk 10 to 15 minute walk will get oxygen flowing to your brain, blood circulating all through your body and clear out toxins that could be building up or causing swelling in your legs, hands or feet because you have been sedentary.  It's always a good idea to get a good walk/stretch in every 20 minutes if you have to sit long periods of time.  It'll do wonders for your energy and your overall health too.

And if water and walking aren't doing the trick (but they likely will), grab a mini-energizer snack.  Oh yeah, I know you just had lunch and hour or two ago, but if you aren't eating wisely, then whatever you ate could be the culprit zapping your zest!  Some of my favorite snacks are a small handful of almonds (roughly 12), five ounces of Greek yogurt, a cup of white or green tea, a home-made, no-bake energy bar and any fruit I might have a hankering for (apples, kiwi, bananas, grapes).

These are just a few of my many tips to keep you energized throughout the day.

If you'd like to learn more about eating for energy, please contact me about my free workshop in the Chicago area on February 7, 2013 at 6:30pm.  I'd love to see you there!

Until next time, remember your health is your wealth.  How will you invest in it today?!?!?!