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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quick Bites

Fast Food:  Not your drive-thru variety

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet many of us rarely acknowledge its existence.

Get the most mileage out of your food.  Eat healthy 90% of the time.

  Did you sleep too late?  Are you too tired to eat or just not up for eating first thing in the morning?  Whatever your reason for not eating breakfast, it's time to change your tune.  Eating breakfast can fill you up and help prevent snacking.  If you're trying to lose weight, gain more energy or you have simply have run out of options, I have a few breakfast suggestions that will fuel you and help you rise and shine the rest of the day.

1. Fruit.  Start your day with fruit.  There are a number of ways you can incorporate it in a healthy diet and quick meal.  Apples, bananas, pears, grapes are the best grab-and-go types, but any and all fruit is highly recommended.  Fruit is low in calories and contains some of the fiber necessary for a healthy diet. Click here to read more on why fruit is so important to our daily diet. 
2. High-fiber toast. Not just any bread will do.  Go for 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain breads.  Pop a piece or two in the toaster, spread on some almond butter or peanut butter for protein and out the door you go!
3. Hard-boiled egg. Got 5 to 7 minutes?  Then hard-boiled eggs are in order.  They are full of protein and a great source of vitamin B-12 and riboflavin - which are essential for energy production, cancer prevention, better hair, skin and nail and cell regeneration.  Cook your eggs ahead of time and then they're ready to enjoy alone, on a breakfast sandwich or salad (yes, you can eat salad for breakfast too!)
4. Smoothie. By far, my favorite option.  You can combine your favorite fruits and veggies, protein source, choice of dairy or non-dairy items water or juice.  Check out my monthly newsletter for a quick and easy recipe.

5.  Oatmeal, cream of wheat or grits. Have to eat at your desk?  Packets of  instant oatmeal and grits are easy to store in your desk and simple to make.  Just add hot water and eat.  Add fruit or nuts to bulk up your fiber and protein I Your instant options are high in carbohydrates and fiber and relatively low in calories.  Just watch out for added sugar.  Try to buy low-sugar or unsweetened varieties.   





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