International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Burn Baby Burn - Heartburn Inferno!

OMG!  I have never, never, never, never, EVER had heartburn or acid reflux in my life.  That is until tonight! It was one of the worst things I have ever experienced.  I seriously thought I was going to choke, fall out and die.  No kidding.  It hit me out of nowhere.  I was walking through the grocery store after having dinner at a nearby restaurant just 10 minutes prior to the episode.  I got ready to say something to the clerk when all of a sudden the Great Chicago Fire erupted in my chest and throat.  I was paralyzed physically and verbally.  I couldn't move, I couldn't speak.  I began gasping and trying to swallow, but the burning sensation nearly caused me to blackout.  Tears welled up in my eyes and all I could think what the heck is happening to me?  Within about 90 seconds, what felt like a never-ending burning sensation subsided and I slowly was able to breathe and speak without gasping for air.  I began to swallow and dry the tears from my face.  It then hit me - you just had an episode of acid reflux!  Wow!  I had heard of people having this, I've seen commercials for over-the-counter treatments but never had to deal with it personally.  Even as a health coach, I haven't had any clients that report having acid reflux.  And tell you the truth, I hope I never do!  That's not to say I wouldn't welcome them to the Rite Choice Nutrition family - I just never want anyone to experience what I went through and I am going to make sure it does not happen to me again.

Time for a quick medical lesson:

What Is Acid Reflux Disease?

The fabulous staff at WebMD helped me to understand what acid reflux is.  Without getting too technical, it's basically when stomach acid moves up into your esophagus.  This happens when a ring of muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter or LES for short doesn't close all the way or opens too often when food passes through it.

What Causes Acid Reflux Disease?

Ok, now that I understood that, I had to figure out what causes it.  I was shocked to learn there are so many things that can lead to acid reflux.  Some of the common risk factors include:
  • Eating large meals or lying down right after a meal
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Eating a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the waist
  • Snacking close to bedtime
  • Eating certain foods, such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or spicy or fatty foods
  • Drinking certain beverages, such as alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, or tea
  • Smoking
  • Being pregnant
  • Taking aspirin, ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, or blood pressure medications

As you can see, I highlighted a few of the risk factors. That's because these are the ones I believe sparked my episode. Starting backwards, I took ibuprofen a few hours before dinner and I am still taking a daily, low dose of blood pressure medicine - per doctor's orders for the next 3 months. I drank both coffee and tea earlier in the day. And I ate just about everything mentioned in the list of food except mint. Oh, but now that I think of it, I did have some mint flavored chewing gum too! Oy ve! The fatty food was my weekly splurge - which was fried onion strings with jalapeno peppers. Yummy, but I think I won't indulge in them for a while after what just happened.

What Are the Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease?

In case you can't relate to the description of the symptoms I had, here are some other common one\:
  • Heartburn: a burning pain or discomfort that may move from your stomach to your abdomen or chest, or even up into your throat
  • Regurgitation: a sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your throat or mouth
Other symptoms of acid reflux disease include:
  • Bloating
  • Bloody or black stools or bloody vomiting
  • Burping
  • Dysphagia -- a narrowing of your esophagus, which creates the sensation of food being stuck in your throat
  • Hiccups that don't let up
  • Nausea
  • Weight loss for no known reason
  • Wheezing, dry cough, hoarseness, or chronic sore throat
These symptoms surprised me as well - because I dismissed them and related them to something else.  Good reminder to not to that.  There's a reason why something happens and it is not always what we think it is.

How Is Acid Reflux Disease Diagnosed?

Here's the deal friends:  If you have acid reflux symptom two or more times a week, it's probably a good idea to make an appointment to see a doctor.  That is a feeling I would want to have twice in a lifetime, let alone more than twice a week!  Of course there are several medication on the market to treat the problem, but being a holistic practitioner, I seek natural remedies first.  Avoiding the triggers is what I always do first.  Then I'll look for an alternative treatment and if all else fails, I turn to meds temporarily while still avoiding the triggers.  Lifestyle changes are key when fighting any sickness or disease.  If this doesn't work or if your symptoms become more severe, you physician may need to test and check for other problems.

The road to living healthy and wealthy can sometimes be a little bumpy.  And as the old saying goes, you play with fire, you'll eventually get burned.  In my case it was heartburn!  Well, I let my guard down and even though I was mostly enjoying healthy foods, I probably overdid it with spicy meals (I just love spice) and the citrus too (lime, orange, pineapple).  Those are some of my favorite fruits to squeeze over veggies, salads and whole-grains.  Guess I'll have to make some modifications along the way and pay more attention to food combinations.  I like things hot, but that was way too hot for me!

Take care everyone.  Until next time - keep investing in your health and wealth.  Leave me a message here on the blog and tell me about how you're depositing into your account.  You can also follow me on Facebook.  Peace!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Boost Your Energy, Get Your Spark Back

Hey, Hey, Hey everybody (in my best Fat Albert Voice) !  I absolutely loved that show growing up!  Any-"hew" it's just after 1pm CST and this is the time of day when most people start feeling like enough is enough, they need a nap and just can't seem to get their motor revving to finish the day.  Been there, done that and it is the worst feeling ever!  But since I started my journey to live healthy and wealthy, I have reclaimed one of my greatest commodities.  And that is MY ENERGY!!!  I'd like to share with you my top 3 quick fixes to boost your energy and get your spark back.

The first thing I do when I'm feeling sluggish is grab some water! Splashing it on your face can help, but I suggest drinking at least eight ounces right off the bat.  Give it about 10 minutes and you'll feel like a new person.  Still feel like your tank is running low, drink another four to six ounces and then remember to hydrate every 20 to 30 minutes.  Your improved amount of energy will surprise you and anyone who saw you fading away in your groggy state.

My next suggestion is take a walk.  A brisk 10 to 15 minute walk will get oxygen flowing to your brain, blood circulating all through your body and clear out toxins that could be building up or causing swelling in your legs, hands or feet because you have been sedentary.  It's always a good idea to get a good walk/stretch in every 20 minutes if you have to sit long periods of time.  It'll do wonders for your energy and your overall health too.

And if water and walking aren't doing the trick (but they likely will), grab a mini-energizer snack.  Oh yeah, I know you just had lunch and hour or two ago, but if you aren't eating wisely, then whatever you ate could be the culprit zapping your zest!  Some of my favorite snacks are a small handful of almonds (roughly 12), five ounces of Greek yogurt, a cup of white or green tea, a home-made, no-bake energy bar and any fruit I might have a hankering for (apples, kiwi, bananas, grapes).

These are just a few of my many tips to keep you energized throughout the day.

If you'd like to learn more about eating for energy, please contact me about my free workshop in the Chicago area on February 7, 2013 at 6:30pm.  I'd love to see you there!

Until next time, remember your health is your wealth.  How will you invest in it today?!?!?!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's A New Season, It's A New Day

It's a new season, it's a new day.  Fresh Anointing is flowing our way!

Happy New Year to all of my healthy and wealthy friends, family and followers.  2013 will be our best year ever!  That's because the best of our lives is still ahead of us.  Forget about the past - you can't go back.  Shake off the hurt feelings and the pain - yes, time heals all wounds but you have to move forward.  Focus on the present - it's a gift and look to the future with great expectancy and abundance of joy, happiness, peace, deliverance and most importantly love!  Get ready my friends to get even healthier and wealthier in this new year.  It's our divine right.  It's our destiny.  WALK IN IT!!



New Year, New You

A lot of people begin the New Year by making resolutions. We’ve all been there. We take a vow to lose weight, exercise more or spend more time with our family. We start the year with great intentions, but then we quickly relapse into old habits. Why is it so hard to stick to those New Year’s resolutions?

Here are some ways you can make your intentions a reality this year:
  1. Write down your intentions and keep them in a visible place, like taped to your bedroom mirror or the dashboard of your car.
  2. Get to the source of whatever is keeping you in a rut. Are you in a stressful relationship that causes you to eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's every night? Are you stressed at your job and feel too tired to exercise after work? If you don't tackle the root of the behavior, it will be much harder to accomplish your goal.
  3. Be clear about what your life would look like once you achieve your goal. If you resolve to go to the gym more, how will this benefit you? Get connected to the result of your action, and you will be more likely to stick with your plan.
  4. Share your resolutions with friends and family. Hold each other accountable for achieving your goals. If you want to go to the gym more, have a friend call you two or three times a week to check on you or invite them to join you.
  5. Reward yourself with every little accomplishment. If your intention is to lose weight and you lose 1 pound a week, pamper yourself with a massage.
Big changes do not require big leaps. Permanent change is more likely to happen gradually than through one big restrictive plan. Allow yourself to climb the ladder one rung at a time.

Happy New Year!

Upcoming Events

1/8/13 Zumba with Rite Choice Nutrition
7pm, Tuley Park, 501 E. 90th Place -Chicago

Zumba with Rite Choice Nutrition
7pm Tuley Park, 501 E. 90th Place - Chicago


Eating For Energy Workshop
6:30pm-8pm, Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers
8658 S. Cottage Grove, Unit 400 - Chicago

RSVP by Monday, February 4, 2013 - Call 773-559-7384 or email