International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Sticky Situation: Is Gum Really Healthy?

Since I was a kid, chewing gum has been part of the daily norm.  I chewed gum when I was bored.  I chewed it when I couldn't find or get the candy I wanted.  Mom my gave it to me to chew to shut me up.  I chewed it to have bubble-blowing contests.  And I chomped and chewed on it in class  -- because I knew I wasn't supposed to.  Yes, an unruly and wild child, huh? LOL!  

Nowadays, for me, gum has jumped from the confectionery to the well being category. For years, we've heard a certain brand was "recommended by 4 out of 5 dentists" for cavity prevention.  A number of health agencies including the American Dental Association also agree that gum is good for you.   Chewing gum has also been touted as a great way to clean your teeth, reduce plaque, strengthen tooth enamel and reduce gingivitis and gum bleeding.

Surprising health benefits of chewing gum

Upon further research, I also stumbled across a few other surprising health benefits of chewing gum.  I had no idea of the following finds - you probably didn't either.  Seriously, none of this probably ever crossed your mind.  Did you know that gum...

 Boosts Mental Power

Chewing gum boosts brain activity in several ways. For instance, psychologists have discovered that chewing gum can help you enhance your memory. An experiment was conducted where two groups of people took the same examination. One group was given gum to chew while the other was not. Results showed that the gum-chewing group got higher test scores. This boost in memory might be linked to the chewing motion of the jaw. When you chew gum, your hippocampus becomes stimulated. The hippocampus is the part of the brain which plays a major role in memory. Aside from boosting your memory, chewing gum also encourages more blood flow to the brain. When you chew gum, your heart rate increases and more oxygen is delivered to your brain area.

 Reduces Stress and Tension

Chewing gum can help you fight stress and anxiety. Research has shown that students who chew gum during exams tend to be more alert and focused. This is because gum helps you cope with the stress that is often associated with tests. Stress is not the only negative emotion that chewing gum can help you through. Whenever you feel irritated or frustrated, you might find that chewing gum can help you relax.

 Contributes to Weight Loss

If you’re currently trying to lose weight, chewing gum can also prove to be beneficial for you. The next time you crave a snack or a second helping of dessert, pop a stick of gum into your mouth instead. Since gum contains very few calories per serving, it makes an ideal snack that will not ruin your diet. The act of chewing and the flavor of the gum will help you fight your cravings for other snacks that are high in calories and fats.

Improves Digestion

You might not be aware of it but chewing gum can also improve your digestion, as long as you chew your gum after meals. Notice how you frequently swallow while chewing your gum, because of excess saliva production? This helps keep digestive acids down in your stomach.

Here's where the situation gets sticky for me

While I still like to chew gum, I've only chewed it 2 times in the last three-and-a-half months.  Why?  Because I've been trying to lose weight.  And even though some people say it helps you lose weight, here's what I have learned and experienced.  When you chew gum, you salivate. When you salivate, a signal gets sent from your brain to your stomach that food is on its way, and you begin to produce gastrointestinal juices...then, the food never comes, leaving you feeling hungry - because you told your brain that food was on the way, yet it wasn't.   That's when hazard signs and lights start flashing in my mind -- telling me -- to get rid of the gum - drink some water or eat a piece of fruit - otherwise you are heading for a feeding frenzy. 

Chewing gum can also lead to stomach ulcers, because you are swallowing saliva with no food in it, and the stomach acids can begin to eat away at the lining of the stomach.

In no way or fashion am I anti-gum.  I still love it.  I have my favorites -- mostly all all calorie-free and sugar-free.  I'm just suggesting if you really need to chew a piece, do it after you've eaten.  After about 10 to 15 minutes - get rid of it.. or else, you'll set yourself up for a return of the hunger monster.  This is especially true if you're trying to lose weight or are conscious about what and how you eat.



Monday, August 22, 2011

An apple a day... keeps the pounds away!

I absolutely, positively love apples.  For as long as I can remember, I have always known the old proverb "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."  I just thought it was a cute little saying adults used to trick kids to eat more fruit.  As I continue my journey into learning about and living a healthier lifestyle, I wanted to know what exactly are the health benefits of apples...since they are supposed to keep us out of the doctor's office.  Here are ten reasons I found that should make us all heed the advice of that old proverb.

Bone Protection
French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones.

Asthma Help
One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Another study showed that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples.

Alzheimer's Prevention
A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Lower Cholesterol
The pectin in apples lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.

Lung Cancer Prevention
According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.

Breast Cancer Prevention
A Cornell University study found that rats who ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent. Rats fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.

Colon Cancer Prevention
One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer. Other research shows that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Liver Cancer Prevention
Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.

Diabetes Management
The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes.

Weight Loss
A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.

So go out and get some apples today!  I suggest organic brands -- you will taste the difference and your body will thank you.  I've been eating apples on a regular basis for the last 3 months (3 to 6 a day) and I've lost 43 pounds.  No kidding!!  Of course, I also changed my diet -- but the apples keep me full.  I eat them raw, I even peel the green ones and put them in the oven for about 30 minutes -- sprinkle them with cinnamon and stevia (natural sweetener) and it's like having a good old-fashioned apple pie - without the crust. 

Keep living healthy and wealthy!
Remember, your health is your wealth!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

When Money Is Not Enough

(Singing) ..."Money, Money, Money, Money, Money,Money, MONEY! - Some people got to have it, some people really need it. Do things, do things, do things, do bad things with it.  For the love of money!!!

Whew!  I really like that song!!  The O'Jays -- "For the Love of Money" is timeless and tugs at the fiber of nearly everyone's being.  (Personally, it's the funky beat that gets me going.)   

Having money is fine, but what happens when it runs out? 

Over the last eight weeks, we've been discussing how to live more healthy and wealthy.  During this time, we've seen the stock market literally crash at least two times in the last two weeks.  Every where I go -- especially at work - that's all people are talking about - MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!  Investment this, retirement that, 401K, IRA, ARGH!!  No one seems happy unless they are stressing about money!  When will the madness stop?!!!

I know money is necessary to function in the world.  But it should not be your main concern.  Are you healthy?  Are you happy?  Are you doing what you can to help others be healthy and happy?  Most importantly, are you working on having the best relationship you can with God?

If you can't answer YES to all of these questions - then you must be like many of the people in your life - too focused on money and not on what really matters.

You'll never reach true wealth or optimal health until you get your life back on the right track.  Start today by asking God for help.  He cares for you - and so do I.

Have a blessed and prosperous day!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Caffeine Crazy: The Power of Your Brew

There's a new study out that says caffeinated drinks may help prevent skin cancer.  The drug apparently inhibits a DNA repair pathway that can kill potentially precancerous cells.

Great news for coffee lovers like myself.  Even better news for those who market caffeinated drinks.

But let's keep in mind - caffeine is a drug and moderation is key.  More importantly, are you drinking the best available, organic, healthy brew available?  If you are not drinking products from Organo Gold, probably not. 

You can check my earlier blogs for more information on the company and product if you like.  But I'll give you a simple, quick breakdown why you should be drinking my Organo Gold products.

  • All of the products are 100% certified organic - this means you know you're getting a top of the line, quality product that has been manufactured/grown under strict - chemical free measures
  • All of our products contain Ganoderma, also known as the King of Herbs. 
  • Our products boast over 150 antioxidants and can help alleviate the affects of chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, poor circulation, edema, allergies,  poor vision, stress, obesity and so many more.  (it is not my intention to diagnose, treat or cure anyone with our products - strictly recommendations based on actual testimonies - including my own)
  • Non-toxic and non-dehydrating like regular coffee
  • You will not get the anxiety jitters
  • Everything tastes great too
Please feel free to contact me directly for more information or log onto my website to get the entire scoop:

Have a coffeelicious day!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Power of The Tongue

The Bible teaches us that death and life are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21).  Therefore, words have more control over a person's destiny than most people realize. Since this the case, I want to make sure I am  speaking "living words" everyday -- and all day long.

I heard a very interesting snippet from a sermon recently called "The Great I Am."  In a nutshell, the Pastor said, whatever you speak into the universe, it will align itself and produce whatever you command it to. For instance, if you say "I AM POOR" - Then guess what, you will be - until you change your words.  If you say "I AM WEAK" - get ready to be weak.  Your words control your destiny. 

Always be positive about your situation.  Speak life over it.  Don't spew doom and gloom.  Stand firm in your faith that every situation has a solution and that it will work out in your favor.  NO WAVERING ALLOWED!  You are strong, you are rich, your are victorious, you are beautiful, you are prosperous, you are successful, you are intelligent, you are a leader, you are the best at what you do.  It is so unhealthy to think otherwise.  Negative thinking will only produce negative results.  I want to live life abundantly.  How about you?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Toxic Toothpaste: Don't brush off this topic!!!

If you are like most people, chances are, you are using toothpaste with fluoride. Why? Because our dentists, parents and teachers have told us for decades that it helps protect our teeth from cavities. And let's not forget all of the toothpaste and mouthwash commercials that have us running out to buy a particular brand. So, when I started hearing the buzz about how fluoride is bad for you, I decided to sic my teeth into this and see what prompted this negative reaction to a substance that has been touted for so many years as a daily oral health essential.

Here's what I found:

Although it is a natural substance, fluoride is highly toxic to human beings, even more so than lead. If you were to ingest a mere 2-5 grams of sodium fluoride (a common ingredient in toothpaste), you would probably die. The amount of fluoride in a typical tube of fluoride toothpaste is sufficient to kill a small child if it were consumed all at once.

Fluoride toothpaste contains a much higher concentration of fluoride than what is found in nature. So basically, fluoride is not necessary for optimal health. Unlike calcium or magnesium, fluoride is not an essential nutrient for your body.

If you were to consume zero fluoride your entire life, you wouldn’t suffer for it. There’s no such thing as fluoride deficiency.

I won't go into all of the health problems fluoride has been associated with over the years. But one you should be aware of is skeletal fluorosis - a condition caused by chronic fluoride exposure. It can cause someone to experience excessive bone growth, which can result in joint pain, bone pain, and stiffness. Other symptoms include:
  • Burning, prickling, and tingling in your limbs
  • Muscle weakness
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Reduced appetite and weight loss
  • Anemia
  • Crippling
To learn more about the dangers of fluoride, click on this link:

Now, let's fast forward to how you can reduce the amount of fluoride in your diet. You can start by incorporating my organic meat, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Pesticides residue and hormone injected meats increase your fluoride levels. Cut-out or cut down on processed foods and drinks. And, switch from tap and bottled water to alkaline water (see my blog post from 7.12.11). Should you decide to read the information on the link to the article I mentioned above, you'll get a deeper and better understanding of what to do.

But here's one way that I didn't mention. That's because I've saved the best tip for last.. and that is CHANGE YOUR TOOTHPASTE -- CHANGE YOUR LIFE!! No kidding. One of the best brands on the market is called OG Smile - it comes highly recommended from this user and the user's family (these are people whose teeth you have to pull to do something healthy!!) OG Smile Toothpaste with Ganoderma (see my blog post from 7.10.11 for more on ganoderma) has just hit the market. This product has no bleach or fluoride in it. It places in the Ganoderma with all natural antiseptic for a clean "organic" smile.

Organo Gold does it again with another product that will help us intake that Ganoderma our body uses to better itself. The Ganoderma can be soaked directly through the gums as well for another dose of that all natural 100% organic Ganoderma. So go ahead, smile. You've earned it.

Click on the link to get your hands on OG Smile Today!!
Your body will thank you for choosing a better toothpaste.

Monday, August 8, 2011

You can't sell a dream looking like a nightmare

Anyone who has attended motivational seminars, network marketing conventions, sales training career  assessments or was raised by appearance conscious parents knows the statement "you can't sell a dream looking like a nightmare" in some form or fashion. 

I felt compelled to bring up this topic today after seeing an intern wear booty-cutter shorts to work several times this summer - and management never muttered a word to this young lady.  Her appearance got me thinking about past interns throughout my career who came to a place of business looking like a nightmare.  Like the one who wore pajamas to work on a regular basis - trying to pass her attire off as sportswear.  Maybe I could've rolled with that if we worked at a park district.  Then there was the one who looked like she was the model for one of those 800 sex chat lines.  Oh, I can't forget the guy who looked like he stepped out of a rap video with his saggy pants, oversized shirts and cheap gold jewelry.  OK, just typing this makes me feel sad for them.  Surely they must have dreams and aspirations to succeed at something?  They decided to intern at media outlets.  Yes - TV media outlets - you know those places where people pretty much size you up based on your appearance?  And it doesn't matter whether you are on camera on behind the scenes - how you dress - and carry yourself speaks volumes to people - even when you don't utter a word.  How do you plan on landing the job of your dreams or even starting your own business, if you show up to the table looking like garbage?!?!?

So basically, here's what I'm saying - because we don't need to spend too much time on this.  Whatever you do - where ever you go - always know this - it's unfortunate, but people are judging you based on your appearance.  I don't care if you don't have money to buy "nice things."  Nice is relative.  No one is asking you to look like you're stepping out of the pages of high fashion magazines - just be neat and presentable.  Take a bath, comb your hair, brush your teeth - and don't forget the deodorant and lotion either.  A little goes a long way. 
Lastly, act like you care about how you're perceived, even if you don't.  Just remember, you're doing this for you - and no one else.  You are trying to accomplish something positive - something in your  favor. It's hard to erase that first impression.  And who knows when you'll run into that person again or when you might need them to vouch for you.   You are your best p.r. person - your best salesperson - no one can represent you better than you.  Clean up your act today - you'll thank yourself later. 

Remember, we're all about claiming the best health and wealth for our lives.  Health is not always physical - it's also mental - and wealth - well we know it's not always financial right?  Need I remind you of all of this wealth of knowledge you're getting for free! LOL! 

Always keeping it real!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged

Who hasn't heard the Bible verse, "judge not lest ye be judge?"  There's probably no one who hasn't.  Heck, I often hear non-believers spewing this and other Bible verses on a regular basis for their own benefit.  For those who don't know, this scripture comes from the book of Matthew, Chapter 7, verse 1.  While this is a crucial aspect of life, the 5 verses that follow Matthew 7:1 are just as necessary.

Taken from The New Living Translation:

Matthew, Chapter 7
 “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. 2 For you will be treated as you treat others.  The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.
3 “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? 4 How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.
6 “Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy.  Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.
As you can see, I have not lost my sense of humor through this.

Now let's get to the point  - the reason I decided to blog about this today.  Someone - who shall remain nameless - sent me a text message last night.  It was a scripture; Hebrews 13: 5-6.  I'll let you look it up yourself.  Well, I kind of had an idea of what it was about because I've read Hebrews many times.  But to be sure, I looked it up online.  Let's just say - the text was way out of line.  I am still not sure why this person sent it to me.  First of all, I have only talked to and seen this person 3 times in the last two years.  The last time was about 2 months ago - at my house.  They even brought their 3 kids.  Everyone had a good time, laughing, talking and eating and exchanging ideas. 

Before the night was through, I even presented them a business opportunity.  Everyone seemed receptive to the idea and wanted to know more.  After all was said and done - ther kids were even excited and wanted to get their family started in the business.  They kept encouraging their mother, who said she would think about it.  She also wanted to give some of my product samples to family and co-workers to get their thoughts.  Fast-forward to today - I still have not heard anything from her about her family or co-workers. 

I followed up with her once in the last 60 days to see if she had any questions - or wanted to place an order.  You see, I'm not pushy.  If you don't see the opportunity - I don't see it for you either.  Nor do I hold a grudge - because being in business for yourself is not for everybody.  Her response was - no, I don't have any questions - but she proceeded to ask me if I would support her by making a purchase of a product that she markets.  Ordinarily, I wouldn't mind at all.  This time, it was different.  I have known this person for at least 10 years.  I have supported everything they've done - even when I knew I really didn't need or want the service she was marketing.  Only because there was no real financial (business-related) benefit.  She has not supported me one time.  She has not made a purchase of any of my health and wellness products - nor has she referred one customer to me.  And I have continued to support her time after time.  Now it is time for me to take my own advice from one of my earlier blogs -- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! 

I have had entire night to think about this and discuss it with my husband.  I am going to ask this person why they sent me a scripture that truly calls out a person - and do it without any previous communication, cause or explanation.  While I am not offended - it is disheartening to know that someone I have loved and respected and supported after meeting them on the street so many years ago - would make an off-the-mark assumption about me - without any questions or follow-up. 

Just to wrap things up - here - whether it's business or personal - follow the rules of the good book.  Don't judge at all - even when you think you know the whole story.  You absolutely cannot know everything about everybody.  Most importantly, you could be misinterpreting the situation.  It's not a healthy way to live - and can only lead you to a wealth of trouble.

Keep your mind focused on positive things - encourage one another - and if there's something you don't understand - ASK!

Click the following link to help yourself and other change negatives into positives.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

All I Want Is A Little Respect... Just A little bit!!

The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin sings it best, actor-comedian Eddie Murphy made me laugh about it, comedian Rodney Dangerfield couldn't get it and darn it, the world makes you forget sometimes to have it for yourself and others.  Here's my point:  You have to give respect to get respect - and if you want it , you've got to earn it.  It's a two-way street.

So, how do you get respect, earn it and most of all keep getting it?  Unfortunately, if you don't live under a rock, it's a process you must go through everyday.  First, you have to have respect for yourself.  When  you defne and mold what respect means to you in your life, it is easy to respect others in any situation.  Hopefully, you don't have to keep proving yourself  over and over again to people who cross your path on a regular basis in order to get respect in return, but hey, trust me - it can go down like that.   And in some cases, it likely will unfold for you in the same manner too.  I go through it daily.  It's annoying and nonsensical.  You just have to realize that some people are going to be downright ignorant, disrespectful, sexist, racist, and practice every "ism" in the book (sexism, racism, ageism, etc.).  Respect just isn't in their vocabulary - which means, it's not in their spirit - that is until they feel disrespected.

Can I be honest with you?  You want to really know what got me going on this topic today?  I won't go into all the nitty, gritty details - but trust me, you'll feel where I'm coming from, I promise.  It started with people at work.  We're all supposed to be a "team."  Which, in my opinion, means - you don't make decisions without consulting "the team."  Especially, when you know you are not the "team leader."  Now, here's what really sticks in my craw.  I am supposed to be "in charge," if you will, of an entire production.  So why is it some people on the team, feel it necessary to circumvent the correct channels, make snap decisions and then challenge you when you speak up?  Why?  I'll tell you why...NO RESPECT.  Not even a little bit.  Some people are so caught up in looking like they are important, in charge and just the greatest thing since sliced bread, instead of treading softly and knowing when to stay in their lane.  They want others to think they "got it going on," when they really are just messed up and power hungry for respect and notoriety - they don't deserve. They just haven't learned you can catch more bees with honey - and that silence is golden.  And at this rate, they probably never will.  Although, I hope they do before it's too late.

At this point, it has gone to the point of no return for me; I'm just saying!

But it is not too late for you.  Everyday, every hour, every minute, you get a chance to start over.  There will be days people push you to the limit, but you don't have to let that throw off your game.  Regroup and in some cases APOLOGIZE. Swallow your pride and simply just start over.  You'll feel good about yourself;;  this builds your self-confidence and self-respect.  Others will see your shine - and want to basque in your glow.  That's when you know you are earning the respect of others.  After a period of time, respect just comes with whatever territory you decide to charter.  It will emanate from your aura - and hopefully rub off onto others.  Yes, I know, "what the world needs now is love, sweet love" but sometimes, things work in reverse - and today I say let's start with some respect.  Truth be told:  It's easy to love someone - it's sometimes an insurmountable task to like them.  Let's try harder people -- come on now (singing) "JUST A LITTLE BIT, JUST A LITTLE BIT.  R-E-S-P-E-C-T - find out what it means to me - R-E-S-P-E-C-T , take care, TCB! 

Tired of being disrespected by the people with whom you work?  Do something about it!  Click the following link for information respected and well-received by thousands of people around the world.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ahh... Sugar, Sugar... How sweet it is!

Real Sugar Vs. Artificial Sweeteners: Which Is Better?

It seems over the last few months, I've run into the sugar debate with people at least 10 times!  Everyone is an expert when it comes to health and nutrition, yet no one seems to have a clue.  Who's right?  Who's wrong?  Should you always listen to your doctor? Whatever you decide, here's one thing I know for certain:  Everyone's body is different and every food, supplement, spices and sweetner - whether natural or artificial , is going to have a different effect on a person's metabolism.  In the end, you have to do what you think is best.  Since I don't claim to be an expert either -- here's a blog post from a guy called  "The Naked Chef", who in my opinion breaks down the debate nicely.

This is yet another nugget of knowledge the could prove to be a wealthy resource for you health.

Do you want to hear an amusing quote? This one comes via the coworker who was telling us how bad Plastic #7 is. After he told me how bad my plastic mug full of green tea was (because of the plastic, not the green tea), I picked up his Cherry Coke bottle and replied, “Says the guy drinking 70g of sugar in that one bottle.” Here we go (might not be verbatim, but captures the essence):
Sugar is okay. It’s the artificial stuff that’s bad.
Yes, you read that right…”sugar is okay”. I politely informed him that there was nothing “okay” about sugar, which he argued adamantly against.* Luckily, he gave me an idea for another post…this one!
So which is worse: sweeteners or artificial sweeteners? And is either “okay”?

Taking Yet Another Look At Sugar

In months past, I’ve taken a look at the various sweeteners available and which is best. I also considered the arguments for and against the notion that high-fructose corn syrup is worse than sugar. Well now let’s look at sugar in comparison to artificial sweeteners. Note that these pros and cons are relative to artificial sweeteners.
Just for a definition, by sugar, I mean any type of caloric sweetener, such as cane sugar, evaporated cane juice, high-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, honey, etc.
Why Sugar Is Better
Over millions of years of evolution, one thing the human body has figured out is how to handle incoming nutrients. Through the actions of insulin, it either uses or stores incoming glucose for future use, either as muscle or liver glycogen or as fat. What I’m getting at is that the body knows what to do with the sugar you’re feeding it.
Of course, it can’t handle the high quantities of sugar that most people are shoveling in, but at least it has a mechanism for dealing with what is going in when handling sugar. It doesn’t matter if that incoming sugar is in the form of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, or agave nectar…the body knows that it is sugar and breaks it down accordingly.
Why Sugar Is Worse
Sugar is an empty calorie. Sure, with foods like honey and molasses, you get a few vitamins, but calorie-for-calorie, sugar, in all of its forms, is just empty calories compared to meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and tubers. It has few, if any, vitamins and minerals. It actually robs the body of the nutrients required for the body to process it.
Sugar sends your blood sugar sky high where it does damage to your arteries (for which cholesterol gets the blame). Your insulin then shoots up, clearing out the sugar, sending you into a hypoglycemic funk, and ruining your insulin sensitivity.
Sugar is also exceedingly easy to overconsume. A single tablespoon of sugar is nearly 50 calories. That pan of brownies you’re staring down? There’s probably 20-30 tablespoons of sugar in there, so you can figure out how much is in that 3″ square that goes down so easily. My blood sugar is skyrocketing just thinking about it.

Artificial Sweeteners

As for artificial sweeteners, I’m referring to any of the man-made non-caloric sweeteners that are found in numerous products in the store: Splenda, aspartame, acesulfame K, saccharin, etc.
Why Fake Sugar Is Better
The main reason that people find artificial sweeteners to be a better choice is that they have no calories. The body is unable to process them and as such, cannot derive any nutritional value from them. Just switching from a five Coca-Cola per day habit to five Diet Cokes per day will save nearly 200g of sugar and 800 calories. That’s obviously an improvement if you’re trying to lose weight and requires no real change of your routine.
Why Fake Sugar Is Worse
Anyone that’s been around here for any length of time has figured out that I am a big fan of real, whole, unprocessed foods. And as bad as sugar is in terms of processing, artificial sweeteners are even worse. These sweeteners are made in a lab from who knows what chemicals. Further, we have no idea what these chemicals will do to the body with sustained long-term use.
I’m also not a fan of trying to fool the body. Just as with trying to outdo Mother Nature by creating “better” butter (i.e., margarine) and removing the “unhealthy” yolk from eggs, giving your body something that it can’t process just to keep from changing your habits is probably a recipe for failure.
Finally, I think normal use of artificial sweeteners is a false sense of security. There is scant evidence that these sugar substitutes actually help people lose weight. In fact, there is evidence that they may contribute to weight gain. These substances still stimulate the sweet receptors of the tongue and may even cause an insulin response since the tongue is the first step in the digestive process.
And as a final kicker, Splenda may be bad for your intestinal flora. As Mike pointed out in this article, your gut is the first line of defense in the immune system.


So Which Is Best?

Well, that’s easy to answer…the best option is c) none of the above. Your best bet is always going to be to ditch the sweet stuff, whether real or artificial and stick to Real Food. Turning the sweet tooth off is a good idea; fooling it with fake sugar is not a viable long-term solution. We are primed to gorge on sugar at every opportunity. And here’s why I think that is:
  • Humans evolved in an environment with relatively little sugar.
  • Because we evolved in environments with few sources of concentrated sweetness, we learned to consume as much as we could when we found it, such as with a honey beehive. The brain is designed to reward us heavily when we feed it sugar, reinforcing the desire to go back for more.
  • Whether we eat caloric or non-caloric sweeteners, we are still activating the pleasure centers of the brain associated with sweet tastes.
  • These pleasure centers signal that there are concentrated sources of calories nearby and drive further consumption.
So by activating sweet receptors and telling the brain “sugar is available,” even if it’s not, we increase our appetites. One study (and there are probably more of these) showed that artificial sweeteners disrupt the body’s built-in calorie measuring ability.
But let’s face reality…we all live in the same world, a world where there are family parties and work events and desserts are going to happen. If given a choice, what should you reach for? I’d go for the real stuff. With the caveat that sugar intake should be VERY minimal, I’d rather go ahead and give my body the substance that it can process rather than some unknown chemical.
Sure, I’m going to get hit with a tired, sluggish feeling thirty minutes later, but on rare occasions, I’m not doing any lasting damage. And on rare occasions, artificial sweeteners probably won’t do any long-term damage either. But I feel better with the sugar that has some basis in evolution.
Again, better is a relative term. It’s better to smoke one pack of cigarettes than to smoke two packs. Cocaine is probably less harmful than crack. That doesn’t make it healthy. It’s even better to do neither.


Dealing With Sugar Cravings

Once people commit to cleaning up their diet, sugar cravings are often the hardest part. It’s the biggest derailleur of dietary plans. We’ve all been there; completely stuffed until the dessert cart rolls by or someone drops off the Girl Scout Cookies in the breakroom. I dealt with it and know that it’s not easy. Here are some tips I’ve found that work:
- Eat plenty of fat, protein, and nutrient-dense foods on a regular basis – These will help shunt your appetite. When the cake comes out, grab some almonds.
- Eat some fruit – The sweetness will help curb your sweet cravings.
- Find a good dark chocolate (or smart indulgence of your choice) – It has just enough sweetness for me to be satisfying without being unhealthy.
- Go for a walk – Just getting away from the temptation is usually helpful.
- Plan a few indulgences – I’m not a big fan of “cheat” meals, but early on, it can help keep things on track to know that in just another day or two, you can dig into some ice cream or a few pieces of candy. But you don’t need to eat the entire pint of Haagen-Dazs to indulge yourself.
- And finally, if you just can’t resist, have one bite. It won’t kill you and as long as you can control yourself beyond that point, can be helpful. I actually knew a guy that would take a bite, chew, then spit it out and that was enough to manage his cravings when they hit. It worked for him. Your mileage may vary. I’m better off avoiding than trying to indulge “just a little”.
Sugar cravings take a long time to go away. Long after you’ve figured out what to eat for breakfast instead of a bagel and cereal… Long after you’ve ditched the Rice-A-Roni in favor of asparagus… The cravings will resurface, often without warning. It’ll probably take a good six months or more to fully tame your sweet tooth. Just keep fighting the urges and find ways to kill them off without gnoshing the entire bag of Oreos.
Here are a few more articles with tips on eating real food, which will help control your cravings:
What are your thoughts on the real vs. artificial sweetener issue? How do/did you deal with you sugar cravings?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Smiling is Infectious

I had an awesome day.  I got to meet two people I truly admire.  Joel and Victoria Osteen were guests on my show today.  I've always enjoyed watching their church program on television and attending their inspirational events.  But I had never met them in person.  Well, today was the day and I was overjoyed with excitement.  Talk about a power couple.  They let their light shine and kept smiles on their faces the entire time they were there.  And you know what?  Their smiles were infectious!  All of the grumpy folks that had been walking around frowning and complaining, immediately decided to straighten up and fly right.  They smiled, were cordial and unbelieveably pleasant.  I just want to say thank you to Pastors Joel and Victoria.  I appreciate your passion and love for all people.  I hope you know the affect you have on believers and non-believers.  You have truly been a blessing in my life.  And whether people agree or disagree with your faith, they can all benefit by taking a page out of your book and being NICE to people and RESPECTFUL.

It does not cost you anything to FLASH A SMILE at someone.  It's a healthy way to live.  One that will eventually lead to a wealth of happiness and other riches.

Click the link to view something that has thousands of people smiling ear to ear.  You can too.  The choice is yours.