International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sweet, Sweet Sleep

Good afternoon my healthy and wealthy friends.  Wherever you are, I hope you are having a brilliantly and wonderfully blessed day.  I plan on keep today's post short and sweet - because there's a queen-size, pillow-top mattress and three fluffy down-feathered pillows awaiting me.  That's right, I am headed for a siesta as soon as I finish writing.  Yes, it's the middle of the afternoon - no I am not sick.  But when your body tells you to "lay it down" you need to listen.  Even if I don't fall asleep, I am taking time to stop and rest so I don't collapse and fallout.  I feel great.  I've been really busy getting my arms back in shape after 3 major surgeries in 9 months and I'm also prepping for my Eating For Energy Workshop this Thursday, February 9, 2013 at Accelerated Rehabilitation Center, 8658 S. Cottage Grove in Chicago - starting at 6:30pm (shameless plug - but join me if you can).  And I also have a half-dozen appointments between tomorrow and Saturday.  So you see, a girl needs her rest!  And you probably do too!  It's so important that we get at least 6 to 9 hours of sleep every single night - and take naps when the feeling hits you (20 to 30 minutes only! - You don't won't to ruin your bedtime).  Anything less than that is a huge problem.  You'll not only experience fatigue or lack of energy, but lack of sleep has been linked to depression, obesity, high blood pressure, headaches, blood sugar swings and many other unnecessary health problems.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates nearly 40 million American suffer from lack of sleep.  Are you a part of the statistic?  Find ways to "fit out" instead of "fitting in".  Simply put, do something out of the ordinary - kick the status quo in the can and walk in a zig-zag instead of the mundane straight line.  Stop depriving yourself of this essential element of living a healthy and wealthy life - SLEEP!  Enough said, I'm going to bed!  Ciao!

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