International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Swamped In September - But loving It!!!

Hi healthy and wealthy friends.  I am slowly getting back in the groove of blogging again.  I've had so many problems with "Blogger" over the last few months and figuring it out has consumed a lot of my time.  Well, I didn't want to let another week past me by without dropping a line or two to my fabulous community or health nuts.  Today I'll just catch you up on what's unfolding for me over the next few weeks.

Preparing to go to Zumba class as part of my rehab from surgery
First up, I am preparing so I can begin to teach Zumba this fall.  Yes, I'm finally going to bite the bullet and do it.  I began my journey last year but couldn't really fulfill it due to the number of shoulder and elbow surgeries I had to undergo.  Although I'm not 100%, I am going to push through the stiffness, the snaps, the crackles and the pops.  Enough is enough!  It's time to get this Zumba train rolling.  I am so ready to pull out of the old station that had shackled and chained me for over a decade and aggravated a number of my health issues.  Well, now I'm saying "Hasta La Vista Baby!!!  Full steam ahead!!!"  A new life has been waiting for me and there is no room for baggage.  So, with that being said, I'm looking forward to my 2 certification training sessions this month - Pro Skills and a Zumba Kids/Zumba Jrs. I'll keep you updated on my progress.  Oh and if you need any Zumba gear, you can get 10% any clothing items by using the code ALIB10 when you check out at

One of my other big events this month is something I am truly passionate about and hope you are too.  And that is the fight for air - yes air!  I am taking part in the American Lung Association's 2013 Fight For Air Walk on September 29th in Oak Brook, Illinois.  Whether you or someone you know has lung disease, asthma, COPD, emphysema, bronchitis or any other respiratory concern or if you just like breathing clean air, this is a worthy event that needs your support.  If you would like to sponsor me in my walk, visit my personal page by clicking the Air Walk logo.  No donation is too small and is greatly appreciated!

Well, that's about all the time I have for today.  Got to go, go, go!!!  Just one little healthy and wealthy nugget before I sign off:  In the midst of feeling swamped with so much to do and so little time, always remember to stop and catch your breath.  Take 5 or 10 minutes for yourself to reconnect to yourself.  You can only do one thing at a time, one moment at a time.  So whatever you need to do to center yourself:  walk away from whatever is consuming you, go sit in a corner and meditate, drink a big glass of water, pray, close your eyes and think happy thoughts - just do it.  It will help take the stress level down a few notches, allow you to free your mind, complete the task at hand and not feel so beat up in the end.  Alright, enough said, now back to work!  Talk to you soon!!!


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