"I'd rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate."
"I'd rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate."
-George Burns
I am sitting here at my desk on this beautiful Monday morning just thinking and thanking God for all He has blessed me with over my life - particularly this day. I am healthy and alive - two of the biggest gifts anyone should be overjoyed to have. And with this being the first Monday since March 2012 that I haven't had a school assignment, modules to listen to and study and a test to take, I began to feel a little bit out of sorts, like I didn't know what to do or what could be headed my way. My graduation from nutrition school is this Friday and I'm starting to get those doubtful thoughts in my mind - you know the ones you get when you embark on something new. "Is this really going to work?" "Did I make the right decision by starting this journey?" "Can this be successful?" That's when it hit me. The words of the man who played God for many years - Mr. George Burns. I have his quote hanging over my desk. "I'd rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate." And just for a moment, those words of wisdom and encouragement escaped me. So I began to think about the journey getting to this point in my life. The ups, the downs, the wins, the loses. I then examined how I feel today versus a year ago in my life - and you know what?
I won't go into all the particulars. Wait for the book (LOL!). But I will say this. I didn't let anyone or anything limit my dreams. I believed in myself and trusted God to see me through. I continued to speak words of faith over my life and surrounded myself with positive people, events, books, media programs and music. No Negative Nellies Allowed!!! No matter what problems/challenges I may have face, I know they are only temporary and are shaping me to become a better and more brilliant specimen of my former self.
Remember this: Life is short. I don't care if it's 1 year, ten years or a hundred or more years. It never seems like there's enough time for anything these days. So stop procrastinating. Get focused, take risks and do all the things you have been dreaming or wishing you could do. And remember to bless people along the way and enjoy your journey. God sees your hidden treasures and wants to bring them out of you. You just have to trust He'll make your dreams a reality! He wants you to live healthy and wealthy for an eternity!