International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Life Is All About Choices


The future depends on what we do in the present.
- Mahatma Gandhi

Remember, life is what you make it.  No one controls your destiny but you.  Don't wait for life to happen. 


  What do you want out of YOUR life??
Think about it...

Keep in mind:  Your health is your wealth.  And I am here to help you with your nutritional and financial goals.

Click the links below for more information

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Turn Your Setbacks into Stepping Stones

Happy Wednesday everyone.  It's hump day - so you know what that means?  Less than 48-hours to your weekend freedom.  And if you're working this weekend ... you're still one day close to your upcoming days of relaxtion and freedom from work.  Eventually, we're all going to be able to get up and do what we want, when we want and go where you want - without asking for time off except for when you look in the mirror to say - "Hey there me, can I have some time off?"  Oh what a day that will be.  In the meantime, we're going to keep doing our thang - living healthy and wealthy.  Which, of course leads me today's topic: Turning setbacks into stepping stones.

You Must Realize Your So-called Setback Is A Set-up for Something Greater

Whenever a trial or tribulation pops up in our lives, we are sometimes too quick to throw in the towel or think the worst. My friends, if there's one piece of advice I can give you that holds true in any situation it's this: Everything is temporary. Once you get that drilled into your mind, your heart and your spirit, handling adverse situations becomes easier. Life is all about learning from our mistakes. If we never messed up, we'd never learn anything. We can have the greatest morals, education, ettiquette, athleticism, creativity and a level of sticktoitiveness like no one we know - but it alls means nothing if you aren't growing and expanding your repetoire or sharing your experiences with others. I don't care how intelligent you are. It means nothing if you keep it all to yourself because you're too afraid to step out on faith and test the waters

Peter had to learn how to trust Jesus - Matthew 14: 22-31

We've all heard the saying when one door closes, another one opens.  I don't know if you realize just how true this is.  Think back to any adverse situation you experienced.  Is your life the same as it was prior to, during and after the trial period?  Whether you're in a better place or not, I am sure you've learned a lesson.  Therefore that setback was actually your set-up for something greater.  You may not be where you want to be in life, but you are not where you used to be.  Even if the past seemed greater, you apparently needed some polishing.  Just like a diamond in the rough.  Your brilliance is preparing to shine for all to see.  But what matters most is that you see it in yourself.  And then help others open their eyes to their light.

So, in conclusion, gather up all of your stones of adversity and start paving your road to living healthy and wealthy.  There's nothing holding you back from destiny but you. 

What are you waiting for?  Need a little inspiration?  Click the link and take my tour today! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

You Get What You Pay For

You undoubtedly have heard the saying "you get what you pay for."  And if you haven't learned that lesson, let me help you out - cut your loses while you're ahead and "pay" attention - if you have a problem paying for quality.

Everyone loves a good deal, but going cheap at the expense of your health, home or sanity is just plain stupid. It always baffles me when someone would rather go without just to save a few pennies in these areas - particularly when it comes to health.

 Here are a five cheap tricks that will actually cost you more in the end.

Overspending on bulk purchases to cut the grocery bill
"One of the biggest mistakes people make (buying in bulk) is that they think they'll use something up, but they end up throwing most of it away," Parker Hurlburt, vice president of research for Acosta explains.

"The other mistake is that they don't compare sale prices to bulk prices."

Other cons include membership fees to bulk outlets, overspending and finding a place for all that stuff.

Skipping the dentist (and other health visits) to pocket the co-pay

Skipped your date with the dentist because you couldn't bear the co-pay? Not smart.

A recent Consumer Reports survey found 43 percent of respondents did just that, exacerbating their
health problems and leading to hefty medical bills.

To curb the pain in your mouth and wallet, shop around for a bargain, consider visiting free and low-cost clinics, or check out a local dental and hygienist school for free or discounted care.

Splurging on daily deals to feel thrifty
Daily deals don't last forever, and as Your Money reporter/reformed Groupon addict Mandi Woodruff attests, "after I dropped the ball on five of the suckers, I decided to wean myself off."

Yes, there are ways to salvage expired daily deals—read how 8 Groupon die-hards did it here—but if they aren't time sensitive enough for you to remember to use them, you're basically flushing money down the drain.

Overpaying for extended warranties

"The cost-effectiveness of extended warranties is minimal and simply put, they're generally a bad idea," says Schrage.

In fact, retailers typically enjoy a greater gross profit on the extended warranty than they do on the product they're selling.

Standard warranties should be just enough to get you by.

On the flipside, if your PC or laptop breaks down, forgoing the extra $50 or $100 could cost you hundreds for wear and tear.

Shirking your pet's health to beat the vet bill
Possibly the dumbest mistake petowners can make is not coughing up cash for their pet's preventative care. Avoid the heartache—and cost—of an ER visit by brushing your pet's teeth, splurging on the healthier, vet-recommended food and following up on routine check-ups.

Your pet's life depends on it.

So what have we learned here today?  Don't cut corners when it comes to your or your family's ultimate well-being. Tighten the belt when it comes to the unnecessary - but it seems so necessary splurges - like entertainment, those cute shoes and purses you just have to have (preaching to the choir here) - a pricey meal or two or three - (you get the picture).  It's not healthy or wealthy living.  And we're in this game to win.  And will will avoid and fight-off any potential setbacks that are in our control.

*cheap tricks researched by: By Jill Krasny | Business Insider

Looking for ways to improve your health and wealth?  Of course you are!
Click on the links below to help with your process - and don't forget contact me for more information.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Easy Tips for Eating Better and Spending Less

Happy Friday Eve everyone.  Just one more day to the coveted weekend!!! Yay!!  Time to kick-back and chill - when I can for roughly 48 hours!  Thank God! 

Well, we're not there yet, so let's get this ball rolling, shall we? 

I am always looking for way to eat better ands spend less.  Everyone knows it costs and arm and leg to eat healthy - but you run the risk of paying the price with your life if you don't.  As I was preparing to write to you today, I could not stop wrestling with something  my doctor said to me yesterday. And that is .. "you might want to think about losing 10 pounds." I wanted to hit the roof - and I know my blood pressure went sky high when she said that. You see, for those of you who know me personally, you know my health struggles over the last year and a half. I underwent 3 surgeries in a span of four months from the end of 2010 thru April of 2011. I was on every steroid and pain medication in the books. I was immobile, incapable of working out and ballooned up to a weight I don't even publicly want to put in black and white. What I will tell you is this. After I healed from my last surgery and was cleared to start working-out again, I lost 65 pounds in the last 7 months!

My doctor, who I started seeing at just 7 pounds shy of my heaviest weight - never said one word to me about shedding a pound. It was not until yesterday - that she made the "you might want to lose weight" remark without even looking back at how far I had come.  She initially started to say 20 pounds, but retracted her statement when she saw my head, neck and eyes roll around to look her in the face with that "I know you trippin' " expression that only certain people can give (you know who you are ..LOL). For me to to lose another 10 pounds would be pushing it. I would officially be too skinny! I'm already wearing single digit clothing that is falling off of me. Not to mention, my husband has jokingly started calling me a lollipop! Boy, do I love him! Well, I am happy with the way I look and am proud of what I have achieved in the last 7 months. It took a lot of hard work and determination to get my body back.

Me, Nov. 2011 - I am actually 12 pounds smaller than this now!!!

There are at least two lessons that I have learned in life and throughout my journey to become healthy and wealthy that I will remember forever.  They are: Everything doesn't work  for everybody and don't reinvent the wheel.   I have people asking me all the time how I lost weight.  But, I already know, what works for me - may not and in many case will not work for them.  So I am hesitant to share all my details.  Mainly because I know their faith/belief level isn't where it should be - nor have they truly submitted and committed to the reality that they need to lose weight.  That's why today, I am sharing with you a very interesting and informative article I came across in Fitness Magazine. Together, we'll learn easy tips for eating better and spending less.  Now that's what I call living healthy and wealthy!

by the editors of FITNESS Magazine

If anyone knows why Americans overeat and how to stop it, it's Brian Wansink, PhD, director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab in Ithaca, New York. He pioneered the field of food psychology, and for 20 years he's been studying our oh-so-odd eating behaviors -- how we eat more popcorn, even when it's stale, if the tub is giant; how we underestimate how much soup we've consumed if the bowl is secretly rigged never to empty; even how we enjoy a meal more if we believe the wine we sip alongside it is expensive. These and other findings demonstrate what Wansink calls "mindless eating" -- which is the topic and title of his new book, Mindless Eating (Bantam). We pulled Wansink out of the lab and asked him to share his strategies for eating healthier for life.

Related: Stick-to-It Weight Loss Strategies

The #1 Reason We Eat Too Much

"We use external cues, like there's no more food left, rather than internal cues, like feeling full, to tell us it's time to stop eating. So we're out of sync with our bodies. But also these outside, visual cues aren't reliable. For example, if you're relying on what you see, how will you know how much you've eaten once your plate is empty? The answer is you won't -- and as a result, you'll eat more. In one study I did with chicken wings, people whose plates were regularly cleared ate an average of seven wings -- and remembered eating four or five. But people whose chicken bones piled up on the plate ate an average of five wings, or 30 percent less, and they were fairly accurate at estimating how many they'd eaten. This is one reason it's so dangerous for us to eat straight out of a bag or carton. If you see the food in a bowl or on a plate, you'll eat less."
What Else Skews Our Calorie Count

"The bigger a meal, the less accurate our calorie estimation is. Most of us are fairly good at estimating how many calories are in a small meal. But with large meals, like at Thanksgiving, we tend to be off by 50 percent, I found. The takeaway here is that instead of looking at a huge burger and fries and chocolate shake and estimating the calories, you should estimate the calories of each individual item, then add them up."

Related: Get Control of Your Calorie Count

Where We Mess Up the Most

"There are five major areas where people tend to overindulge: at dinnertime, while snacking, at restaurants, at parties, and desktop or dashboard dining. The music, the number of dinner companions, how long we're sitting at the table -- all of these factors affect how much we'll eat. But generally, anything that takes our focus off the food makes us more likely to overeat. Before you throw in the towel, though, and decide that reining in your eating is a hopeless cause, you should know that in reality most people have a tendency to overeat in maybe only two of these five areas. In the other areas, they're pretty good."

Why This Is a Very American Problem

"Many of us view food as a means to an end. We eat breakfast quickly so we can get to work, or we eat lunch so we won't be hungry. Unlike the French, for example, most of us don't see meals as a sensory experience, so we're not cued in to how the food tastes or how it makes us feel. This isn't true for every American, of course. Likewise, every Frenchman or woman isn't a foodie either. But generally the stereotype is right. When we did a study of Parisians, asking them when they decide during a meal to stop eating, they answered that they stopped when they were no longer hungry, the food no longer tasted good, or the food was cold. When we asked Chicagoans the same question, they said they finished when the TV show they were watching ended, when their friends were through, or when there was no more milk in their cereal bowl. In so many ways, we're eating on autopilot -- our food decisions are unconscious or invisible, like breathing. But hopefully, by becoming aware that we're making these decisions -- and what we're basing them on -- we can start making better eating choices."

Related: Avoid Food Triggers and Stop Mindless Eating

Our Biggest Blind Spot

"Size -- it matters a lot. In study after study, research shows that the larger the plate, the serving bowl, the packaged box, even the serving utensil, the more we'll eat. Our eye judges amounts by using contextual cues, so a helping of mashed potatoes on a 12-inch plate, for example, is going to look like less than it would on an 8-inch plate. If you think you're too smart to be fooled, though, you should know that food experts -- people who think about, research and publish studies on food -- can be tricked too. For a study, I invited professors at one of the three best nutritional science departments in the nation to an ice cream social, where they were given either a 17- or 34-ounce bowl and either a 2- or 3-ounce scoop. What happened? People who were given the bigger bowl took 31 percent more ice cream, and people who'd been given the bigger ice cream scoop took 15 percent more ice cream. This underlines what a difference it can make to change your environment. So: Mini-size your bowls and plates; replace short, wide glasses with tall, skinny ones; and repackage foods you buy in bulk into small servings."


Smart Food Strategies

Follow Wansick's advice by using these simple tricks.
How to Reach Your Goal Weight Without Even Trying

"If you cut 100 to 200 calories a day, you'll lose 10 to 20 pounds a year. The great thing about this fact is that 100 to 200 calories is what I call the mindless margin. We found that people don't even notice if they eat that much less. They feel just as full. So one very easy way to cut those calories is to always serve yourself 20 percent less than you normally would. Generally, that's four or five fewer bites dished onto your plate."

Related: Excuse-Proof Your Diet

The Simple Trick for Eating More Veggies

"The more variety there is, the more we eat. This is true at salad bars, so it makes sense that at home, you'll eat more salad if you toss in more healthy, low-calorie things. Likewise, you'll probably eat more vegetables if you serve a medley of them, and not just, say, a plate of broccoli. Another trick is to keep the salad and vegetables on the table but leave the meat and starches on the stove. The more convenient a food is, the more we'll eat it; and the more hassle it is to get it, the less we'll eat."
The Best Thing You Can Do for Yourself Today

"Think about your dieting weaknesses or danger zones, and come up with three food trade-offs or policies. For example, if ice cream is your downfall, make a pact with yourself that every time you eat a bowl, you have to walk two miles, or however far you would walk for a bowl. Or if you're not so great about eating fruit, don't allow yourself to eat anything until you've had one piece of fruit. The key is not to say, "I'll never eat ice cream again." Or, "I can eat only an apple for breakfast." For a diet to work, you've got to customize it to your eating tendencies. You've also got to be reasonable, which is why I suggest only three food trade-offs and policies. They're not too burdensome, and if you slip up with one, you've still followed two, which together add up to that 200-fewer-calories goal."

Related: Are You Guilty of These Diet Crimes?

Chew on This

"At the lab, we're surrounded by food all the time, and it's a fact that the more you think of a food, the more likely it is you'll eat it, and the more of it you'll eat. Our secret way to prevent constant snacking: Chew strong mint gum -- we like Dentyne Ice or Wrigley's Xtra. It's so overpowering that all other foods lose their appeal because nothing goes well with that flavor."

More from

 FITNESS Magazine:

The Lose 10 Pounds Diet: Low-Calorie Breakfast Recipes

See How Many Calories You're Burning

Outsmart These 5 Diet Downfalls

Peel Off the Pounds This Month

4 Crash Diets - Tested!

Let me know your thoughts on today's entry.  And if you need more advice on eating better and spending less, drop me line.  In the meantime, click the link below and check out some of the extraordinary products that keep me living healthy and wealthy everyday.  Until next time!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Debt Slavery & The American Dream: Why We Are Living A Nightmare!!!

Hey everyone.  I hope your hump day is going well.  Just 2 more days to the weekend, so many of us can relax and recharge for the next round.  For those of you who work weekends, your hump day is just around the corner! 

Today, I'd like to talk to you about debt slavery and the so-called "American Dream."  To get us started, let's think about what the American Dream really is.  Some people say it's having enough money to live where you want, drive what you want, buy what you want and do what you want when you want to do it.  I am sure you can fill-in the blanks with your own definition of the American Dream, but, do you have a "toil-free" way of achieving that lifestyle?  What do I mean by this?  It's simple.  In my opinion, having access to all of the scenarios listed above, most people have to work extremely hard 24-7.  And, if by chance they "come into" money through some kind of business venture or lottery or family ties, they have to work hard to maintain and keep the dough rolling in.  Now, all that's fine and dandy if you don't mind living that way.  

I've always wanted to have more than enough money.  I want to have an abundance so I can help others.  And what I'm learning is that our traditional ways of thinking and working are not going to get it.  So,  what about opening your mind to other streams of income where you can make money while you're sleeping?

Here's why I pose this question. While researching the debt crisis in America, I came across several mind-blowing statistics. I am choosing my top 3 for the sake of time.

1.  Overall, Americans are carrying a grand total of $798 billion in credit card debt.

2.  If you were alive when Jesus was born and you spent a million dollars every single day since then, you still would not have spent $798 billion by now 

3.   Medical debt is a major problem for a growing number of Americans. One study discovered that approximately 41 percent of all working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.

Ok, after reading those, do you see why it appears Americans will always be underwater, working until they just can't stand on their feet anymore (have you seen the WalMart greeters?), never really getting to enjoy the fruits of their labor because they're always laboring?  My friends, I don't need to give you more examples to convince you that this country is continually getting trapped into debt slavery.  The website says "Debt slavery is destroying millions of lives all across this country, and it is imperative that we educate the American people about the dangers of all this debt."

Now for the call to action.  If you are drowning in debt, here is what you can do to rescue yourself and your family.

First, make the decision that you are going to break-out of your financial prison and live debt-free.

Secondly, come up with a plan on how you're going to do it.  Cut out unnecessary spending, sock-away $50 to $100 a week (most of us blow that on eating out or making impulse purchases) start paying down those high-interest credit cards, etc. 

And lastly, come up with a Plan B.  Find something that you can do that will bring in that mailbox money or money while you're sleeping.  This needs to be something that shouldn't take up more than 7 to 12 hours a week at the start.  It should be a product or service that people need, want and can afford. And most importantly, you need to enjoy doing it or else it will turn into a job for you.  And we're not in the business of creating more jobs for ourselves.  We're in the business of creating wealth!

As I leave you today, I must direct your attention to a Bible scripture that popped into my head prior and throughout writing this blog entry today.  Romans 8:13 - "Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the law." (King James Bible) 

So, now you know that our Heavenly Father wants us to live our best lives, loving one another and not being a slave to debt.

Courtesy: Debt facts taken from


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


On this greeting card holiday of over-the-top admiration and treats for your sweets... I have one question for you.   Where is the love?  Americans are expected to spend over $17 billion on Valentine's Day trinkets, dinner, flowers and candy.  Yet, when tomorrow rolls around, we'll once again turn to the rat race. Many people won't get out their front doors before they start spewing hate.  Forgetting that less than 24 hours ago, they were mushy and gushy and all lovey-dovey .

This leads me to topics creating lots of hateful buzz in the media at the moment. 

1.  Whitney Houston

2. Oprah's questionable twitter post

I read several stories on the web today and heard dozens of conversations about these two women. From the so-called news anchors - who are supposed to be unbiased - to the average Joe on the street -  99% of the feedback on Whitney and Oprah was negative.  While every one is entitled to their opinions, it troubles me to hear so much hate for them. 

Most people are trashing Whitney, calling her a drug addict and a crackhead.  They have no respect for her or the fact the woman just died, leaving behind dozens of hurting family members and close friends and associates.  They are ignoring the fact that for over two decades she was one of the top recording artists, an actress and humanitarian.  People, the woman became sick!  She gave into weaknesses and she never fully regained her strength to fight them off again.  Why should I hate her for this?  I feel sorry for her.  She lost sight of her mission and ignored her God-given talents and ultimately paid for it with her life.

And then there's Oprah.  I won't even waste my time laundry listing all of her achievements and contributions to the world.  And whether you agree with her philosophies or not, you have to give her credit for being brave enough to take chances.  She is one of the most powerful people in the world.  An honor she rightfully earned.  But, so many people are forgetting about her accomplishments because she tweeted her followers - particularly the ones with Nielsen boxes - to watch her network "OWN."  And then she apologized after she was called out for doing that.  I say once again, it takes a brave person to apologize when someone shows them the errors of their ways.  She could have simply ignored the lashing she got went on her merry way, saying "O-Well, I won't do it again."  But, did she do that?  No, she publicly apologized.  I encounter people on a daily basis who don't apologize for their blatant rudeness on a regular basis.  And when you bring it to their attention, they get an attitude an try to find every excuse in the book so they don't have to accept the responsibility.  It's just downright sad.

So again, I ask, where is the love?  You don't have to be "in love" with someone to show them some love.  Be respectful.  Be mindful.  Be kind.  Doing anything else is not living healthy.  But it will produce a wealth of trouble for you.

Here's my dose of love for you today:  Click on the link to learn how I can help you live healthy and wealthy everyday!!! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Put your heart into your health

Every one knows February is Black History Month.
But did you know it's also heart health month?

I'm not sure who picked this as the month to raise awareness, but in my opinion, we should concentrate on the health of our heart everyday.  Statistics show cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States.  For African American women, the risk of heart disease is especially great. Heart disease is more prevalent among black women than white women — as are some of the factors that increase the risk of developing it, including high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Studies also have shown that African Americans don't get the same care for heart disease as whites because they don't get the same tests and treatments

What is cardiovascular disease:

Cardiovascular disease refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain or stroke. Other heart conditions, such as infections and conditions that affect your heart's muscle, valves or beating rhythm, also are considered forms of heart disease.

While some conditions may be congenital or hereditary, many forms of cardiovascular disease can be prevented or treated with the following healthy lifestyle choices recommended by the American Heart Association:

1. Exercise

Daily exercise can reduce the risk of fatal heart disease. Physical activity helps you control your weight and reduce chances of developing conditions that may put strain on your heart, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. It also reduces stress, which may also be a factor in heart disease.

- A recent study posted on finds 55% of black women are physically inactive. They do no spare-timephysical activity.

While even a few minutes of daily exercise offers heart benefits, 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity is recommended. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous, but it needs to be consistent. If a 30-minute workout is too much, break it up into three 10-minute mini-sessions. Activities can be as simple as taking a walk or doing some gardening.

2.  Avoid Tobacco Products
One of the biggest risk factors for developing heart disease is tobacco use. Chemicals in tobacco can damage heart and blood vessels, causing a narrowing of the arteries that can ultimately lead to a heart attack. In addition, the nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can cause your heart to work harder and increase your risk for heart attack. Eliminating tobacco use reduces the risk of heart disease dramatically within just one year.

 - News to me:  About one in five black women smokes. Quit, and just one year later, your heart disease risk will drop by more than half.  (Source:

3.  Eat a Heart-Healthy Diet
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products can help protect your heart and reduce your chance of developing high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Limiting fat, cholesterol and salt is also important. Heart-healthy eating isn't about cutting back. It’s about moderation and making the right choices.

- Food for thought:  Lasting weight loss needs a change of lifestyle — adopt a healthy, lower-calorie eating plan and get regular physical activity. Aim to lose no more than 1/2 to 2 pounds per week. Ask your doctor what your weight should be.

What can I do?  Arm yourself with information!!!
Get regular health Screenings
High blood pressure and high cholesterol can damage the heart and blood vessels, but many people don’t know if their levels put them at risk. Regular screenings are critical to determine if action needs to be taken to get those levels under control.

Here is what a physician will look for:
  • Blood pressure: Adults should have their blood pressure checked at least every two years. More frequent checks may be necessary for those at higher levels. Optimal blood pressure is less than 120/80 millimeters of mercury.

  • Cholesterol levels: Adults should have their cholesterol measured at least once every five years starting at age 20. As with blood pressure, more frequent checks may be necessary for those with higher levels. You may need more frequent testing if your numbers aren't optimal or if you have other risk factors for heart disease.

  • Diabetes screening: Since diabetes is a risk factor for developing heart disease, many physicians will screen adults for diabetes. This will depend on certain risk factors, such as being overweight or a family history of diabetes.

This is my final word of advice.  You have to talk to your doctor about any health concern.  it is extremely important. Let your doctor know you are working on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Learn what is considered normal and b
e honest about your concerns and get all your questions answered.  And make sure you understand what the doctor tells you.

As always .. I am not a doctor .. nor do I play one on t.v.  I just want you to live healthy and wealthy ... and that means you have to put your heart into your health.

Here's a great product to consider as you "pump up" your health health:

Omega 369
Omega 369 is an ideal formula of Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 essential fatty acids (EFAs), the "good fats" that help support brain and heart, and maintain your current state of good health.

Our Everyday Health Benefits:
  • May reduce stress
  • Omegas are known to reduce joint inflammation and promote already normal blood consistency
  • Helps improve the look and feel your hair, skin and nails
  • Assists in maintaining already normal cholesterol and triglycerides levels
To learn more about this product, feel free to contact me or visit our website:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Gone Too Soon

Matthew 24:36  "No one knows when that day or hour will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know. Only the Father knows.
Whitney Houston, 1963 - 2012

This picture of Whitney Houston was just taken 3 or 4 days ago.  She looks radiant, gorgeous and full of life.  Who would've have thought we would learn of her death some 24 to 48 hours later.  Whitney was only 48 years old.  This talented woman had a voice that remains unmatched to this day.  She will truly be missed.  

 Death is part of life.  The Bible teaches us that no man knows when our time on earth will expire.  That's why we need to live each moment as if it is our last.  I don't mean going around preparing for the worst either.  We should begin our days with a grateful and thankful attitude.  Thousands of people each day don't get a chance to do that because they didn't survive through the night.  As we embark on our day's journey, it is a good idea to not to take anything too seriously.  I know it's hard - we're human and can become very emotional - especially when you're dedicated or passionate about something.  Just remember, you never really know what a person is going through, so treat them with kindness, even if they act is not reciprocated.  

The book of Proverbs reminds us that "The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences." (Prov. 18:21 - new living translation)  Remember to say "please", "thank you" and "sorry" - those simple words go a long way.   Most importantly, don't forget to tell people you love them or how much you appreciate at them.  You never know when you'll ever get the chance to do it again.  And as you wrap up your day and head back off to bed, say thank you God for keeping me and my family safe through this day.  And don't forget to pray for others too.  

Life is short.  It doesn't matter if you only get to breathe a few seconds or live 100+ years - it never seems like it's enough time.  So cherish each moment.  Be slow to take offense and always be ready for reconciliation, because one day, we'll all be gone too soon.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Feening For Fiber

Hey everybody, hope you're enjoying your weekend. It's pretty cold here in Chicago today. The temperature on my laptop says its 14 degrees! Not a day that you want to hang around outside, unless you're a penguin or polar bear. I decided to stay home today, get some much-needed rest, do few chores and fill-up on some fiber. Yes, that was today's to-do list.

You see, eating a fiber-rich diet keeps you full.  I try to avoid snacking too much, so if I have enough fiber in my system, I usually stay within my daily calorie-intake range.  Fiber is also key in preventing chronic disease like heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes and even cancer, or whether you just want to maintain or lose weight.

What is fiber?

It is a question that not many people ask themselves because they feel that there is no real reason to, but a person who understands what they are eating (instead of just knowing that it is ‘healthy’) will also understand how it helps the body.

A variety of definitions of fiber exist. So, I will attempt to explain what it is so we can understand the important role it plays in our lives. 

Fiber is actually practically indigestible. This may come as a shock to people who do not understand fiber because things that are not digestible should not be digested in the first place. However, the fact that fiber is indigestible actually makes the food that contains fiber that much easier to digest. It does not lump up like the rest of the food. Instead, it remains whole as it is digested and because it is a slippery substance it allows the digested food to easily pass through your body.  This may be  unappealing but it is a straight-forward example of what is fiber is;  a person with no fiber in his diet will have a lot of trouble in the toilet.

You may also hear fiber referred to as bulk or roughage. Call it what you want, but always remember that fiber is an essential part of everyone's diet. While fiber does fall under the category of carbohydrates, in comparison, it does not provide the same number of calories, nor is it processed the way that other sources of carbohydrates are.

How much fiber do we need?  How can we make sure we're getting enough?

Most of us eat only about half as much fiber as we should. Nutrition guidelines recommend 25 to 38 grams per day, but the average American consumes only about 14 grams. It’s not hard to boost your fiber intake. You can actually do it easily with these 5 simple tips.

1. Eat Your Fruits

Eat, rather than drink, your fruits and vegetables. When either are processed to make juice, most of the beneficial fiber is left behind.

2. Read Nutrition Labels

Read nutrition labels and choose foods with the highest dietary-fiber numbers.

3. Eat Your Vegetables
Eat your vegetables, and then some. Forget “five-a-day”; many nutrition experts suggest aiming much higher. Aim for making vegetables—preferably fiber-rich types like greens and broccoli—a part of every meal and snack.

4. Don’t Peel Edible Skins from Fruits and Vegetables
Don’t peel edible skins from fruits and vegetables, when possible. To avoid pesticide residues, wash skins thoroughly before eating, and opt for organic varieties when you can.

5. Eat Beans, Lentils and Split Peas
Become a frequent eater of beans, lentils and split peas. They’re filling, fiber-rich and cheap—and, if canned, convenient (just rinse them in a colander before using, to wash away excess sodium).

I believe this is a good base for us to ensure we're filling up on fiber EVERYDAY.  As I sum things up, I have a few helpful hints about adding more fiber to our diets.

    1. Increase slowly: The best way to begin is to figure out how much fiber you are currently eating each day. Once you know your number, you can begin to slowly increase how much you are eating until you reach your recommended amount. Increasing too quickly can lead to gas, bloating, and/or diarrhea.
        2. Add the fluids: If you do not have enough fluids (preferably water) with your high-fiber diet, you may end with the problem that you are trying to avoid: constipation. Get into the habit of drinking a minimum of 2 cups of a calorie-free beverage between each meal and you will avoid any unwanted problems.
          3. Don't go overboard: More is not always better, so try not to eat more fiber than your body can comfortably handle.  Pay attention to how your bowel movements are responding to your fiber intake, and speak with your physician if you have any questions.
          So, if you haven't done your grocery shopping for the week ahead, be sure to add some of those fiber-rich food suggestions I gave you. Monitor your intake and see if you feel or notice a difference with your appetite and overall well-being. Be sure to drop me a line and give me some feedback.

        In the meantime, if you already eat a lot of fiber, but want or need an extra boost, check out some our nutritional products that can help either jump start or unclog your cleansing process.  They're just more assets to add to your living healthy and wealthy account!

        Today's 5 simple fiber tips provided by:
