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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Turn Your Setbacks into Stepping Stones

Happy Wednesday everyone.  It's hump day - so you know what that means?  Less than 48-hours to your weekend freedom.  And if you're working this weekend ... you're still one day close to your upcoming days of relaxtion and freedom from work.  Eventually, we're all going to be able to get up and do what we want, when we want and go where you want - without asking for time off except for when you look in the mirror to say - "Hey there me, can I have some time off?"  Oh what a day that will be.  In the meantime, we're going to keep doing our thang - living healthy and wealthy.  Which, of course leads me today's topic: Turning setbacks into stepping stones.

You Must Realize Your So-called Setback Is A Set-up for Something Greater

Whenever a trial or tribulation pops up in our lives, we are sometimes too quick to throw in the towel or think the worst. My friends, if there's one piece of advice I can give you that holds true in any situation it's this: Everything is temporary. Once you get that drilled into your mind, your heart and your spirit, handling adverse situations becomes easier. Life is all about learning from our mistakes. If we never messed up, we'd never learn anything. We can have the greatest morals, education, ettiquette, athleticism, creativity and a level of sticktoitiveness like no one we know - but it alls means nothing if you aren't growing and expanding your repetoire or sharing your experiences with others. I don't care how intelligent you are. It means nothing if you keep it all to yourself because you're too afraid to step out on faith and test the waters

Peter had to learn how to trust Jesus - Matthew 14: 22-31

We've all heard the saying when one door closes, another one opens.  I don't know if you realize just how true this is.  Think back to any adverse situation you experienced.  Is your life the same as it was prior to, during and after the trial period?  Whether you're in a better place or not, I am sure you've learned a lesson.  Therefore that setback was actually your set-up for something greater.  You may not be where you want to be in life, but you are not where you used to be.  Even if the past seemed greater, you apparently needed some polishing.  Just like a diamond in the rough.  Your brilliance is preparing to shine for all to see.  But what matters most is that you see it in yourself.  And then help others open their eyes to their light.

So, in conclusion, gather up all of your stones of adversity and start paving your road to living healthy and wealthy.  There's nothing holding you back from destiny but you. 

What are you waiting for?  Need a little inspiration?  Click the link and take my tour today! 

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