International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ignore Your Health and It Will Go Away

How many times have you tried to ignore a problem, a situation and a person hoping it or they would just simply go away?  Did it work?  Chances are if it did or it didn't, another unexpected circumstance popped up or even though you eliminated the issue you still could not get it out of your mind.  As I continue my journey in the health coaching world, I'm learning that people also treat their health like an unimportant annoyance that will go away in time if they continue to ignore them.  And you know what?  They are absolutely, emphatically, without a shadow of a doubt RIGHT!!!!

Let me give you a few examples or some actual real quotes I've heard over the years and even in the last few weeks: 

A woman says:  "I want to get more fruits and vegetables in my diet, but eating organic is not for me." 

A man says: "I'm not a "true diabetic", so I don't take all the meds my doctor prescribes."

A woman says: "After having 8 days off from work, I got extremely depressed thinking about going back.  If fact, this morning, I actually burst into tears.  So, I got out of my car and went inside and tried to work around it, but I was miserable the whole time."

Another woman says: "You know I have diverticulitis. (  I can't eat anything with seeds or nuts.  I can't eat corn either.  Me:  "Wow, that seems extreme.  Have you gotten a second opinion.?"  Woman says:  "No, I just don't eat a whole lot of fruits, vegetables or nuts that have seeds and I'll keep taking the medicine my doctor has prescribed."  Me: "Do you have any other health problems?" Woman: Yes, but they're not related to my diverticulitis - so they don't really bother me."

OK, I think you get the point.  All of these are examples of diversion tactics people use to ignore their health.  Whether it's a mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or relationship problem, if it's not addressed it will affect your overall health.  So please my friends, whatever it is you have or you think you don't have it, look it straight in the eye and say, today is the day I get on top of this and assess how it's truly affecting me. 

The signs might not be so obvious, so really take time to look at every area of your life .  Figure out how it's affecting work, relationships, your time, your emotions, your finances, your physical health and most importantly, you happiness.  And if you need help, that is what I am here for.  Living healthy and wealthy is not just about what foods you put in your mouth, it's about learning to feed the mind, body and spirit.  Contact me for a free initial health consultation Sign-up on my website:

Until next time, keep living healthy and wealthy!

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