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Monday, June 24, 2013

Patience is the best medicine.

Patience is a virtue.  Patience is love.  Patience is kind.  Personally, patience keeps my blood pressure in check.  Lately, I keep finding myself in situtations where I am forced, compelled or requested to wait.  Now, I usually don't mind, but more and more often my patience continues to be tested. I am really not sure why, but I have learned a few techniques to distract myself from what can be very annoying, especially when you're on a schedule or just want to complete your task or tasks at hand.

For those of us who pray - this is my first stop. I ask God to help me slow down, take a few deep breaths and reflect on all of His goodness.  The first scripture that pops into my mind is I Corinthians 13: 4-7, which reads: "4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (NIV)

I then begin the 4-7-8 breathing technique taught in meditation exercises.  Inhale through the nose for 4 counts, hold your breath for 7 and exhale out the mouth for 8.  You don't have to over exaggerate the breath.  Just do it calmly as many times as you feel you need or at least 4 times every 10-15 minutes you feel stressed or have to endure teeth-grinding, hand-wrenching, nerve wracking detainment for no REAL APPARENT REASON!!!

And then of course you can find things to distract your attention.  Go outside for a walk, play with your pet, read a magazine or book, play a silly online game, clean something or my favorite distraction - writing.  Yeah, kind of like now.  I had been thinking about sitting down writing my weekly blog post, but have been busy.  Well, now that I'm waiting around, instead of becoming frustrated beyond measure, screaming or getting a major attitude, I decided to share my experience with you.

Only you know when enough is enough and how to effectively handle each situation on a case by case basis.  These are just a couple of my personal tips to keep the peace in what feels like a war going on inside your head and probably throughout your body. 

Here's to your continued health and wealth!  Have a great rest of the day!

Monday, June 17, 2013

"Dosha" Know Your Skin? Ayurveda Beauty Solutions

Confused by the title?  Think I've made a grammatical error?  Nope!  I'm right on the money with this one.  We are just a few days away from summer.  And for many of us, we've been waiting to bare some skin since last September or October.  That got me to thinking:  Why do so many people have so many problems caring for their skin throughout the year - particularly summer?  Maybe it's because they don't know their skin dosha.  A recent episode of my favorite show, Dr. Oz inspired me to revisit what I'd learn in nutrition school about Ayurvedic medicine and how it could help others learn to love the skin they've been given. 

First let me explain what a dosha is.  A dosha is a mind-body type.  Ayurveda us the ancient medical system of India, that is still used today, which believes the cause of skin conditions is thought to be a dosh imbalance.  There are three doshas in Ayurveda.  They are"  Vata, Pitta and Kapha.  Each has a unique set of characteristics and if you know your dosha, then you can take steps to possibly prevent skin problems before they begin.

The funny thing about following Ayurveda is that you'll learn almost every food you love is probably on the "you really should avoid that" list.  For instance, I fall under the Pitta dosha.  Here is what this food as medicine system says about me:

Pitta Skin
Pitta skin types need to stay cool. Their skin tends to burn easily and they are more sensitive to sun exposure. A Pitta imbalance can result in rashes, acne, and other inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Foods to Eat
Pitta skin types should eat sweet, watery fruits like melons, mangos, and pears. Think of a pot of water on high heat – Pitta evaporates the heat from your skin so you need to add foods with a high water content to keep Pitta in balance. Pitta is the exact opposite of Vata in terms of temperature, so eating foods that are cooling such as coconut oil and rose petal jam helps to reduce the skin inflammation. Get the Pitta meal plan.

Herbs to Take
There are three great herbs for balancing Pitta skin:
  • Turmeric powder has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and you can use in your cooking

  • Amla berry, which is a cooling herb. You can take this as a supplement beginning at 250mg a day. It is also available in jam form.

  • Fennel seeds, which are ideal for digestion. Chew a pinch of fennel seeds after your meals. 

What to Avoid
Pitta skin gets aggravated by eating spicy foods so they should avoid foods like chilies, black pepper, and jalapenos. The heat in spicy foods further increases Pitta people’s own natural internal heat.

Anyone who knows me knows I love, love, love spicy foods.  It's also the reason I experienced heart burn for the first time in my life this year!  I was so fired up over this experience, I blogged about it.  Check out my January 24th entry.  So, you have to know I was floored to hear I probably should avoid spicy foods.  I will say Ayurveda was right.  I cut out my fiery foods for a week and I saw a huge difference in my skin's appearance and texture.  Less red undertones - the natural ones were there, but the inflammatory ones disappeared.  Fewer breakouts and my skin felt smooth and looked hydrated. 

I am a huge fan of using food as medicine.  That's the reason I decided to become a holistic health coach.  While I do acknowledge the power of traditional medicines, I would rather take a green or natural approach for my health and wellness unless it becomes absolutely necessary to go the other route. If you're interested in learning how Ayurveda medicine could work for you, click here and take this quiz to determine your dosha and get the solutions for your skin.  And as always, please leave me a comment or contact me if you need any support in achieving your health and wellness goals.  Be sure to visit my health coaching website and share it with others.  The address is

That's the latest skinny on SKIN.  So get ready to bare yours....or not.  Just remember to love yourself - because you're good enough, smart enough and doggone it, people like you! 


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quick Bites

Fast Food:  Not your drive-thru variety

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet many of us rarely acknowledge its existence.

Get the most mileage out of your food.  Eat healthy 90% of the time.

  Did you sleep too late?  Are you too tired to eat or just not up for eating first thing in the morning?  Whatever your reason for not eating breakfast, it's time to change your tune.  Eating breakfast can fill you up and help prevent snacking.  If you're trying to lose weight, gain more energy or you have simply have run out of options, I have a few breakfast suggestions that will fuel you and help you rise and shine the rest of the day.

1. Fruit.  Start your day with fruit.  There are a number of ways you can incorporate it in a healthy diet and quick meal.  Apples, bananas, pears, grapes are the best grab-and-go types, but any and all fruit is highly recommended.  Fruit is low in calories and contains some of the fiber necessary for a healthy diet. Click here to read more on why fruit is so important to our daily diet. 
2. High-fiber toast. Not just any bread will do.  Go for 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain breads.  Pop a piece or two in the toaster, spread on some almond butter or peanut butter for protein and out the door you go!
3. Hard-boiled egg. Got 5 to 7 minutes?  Then hard-boiled eggs are in order.  They are full of protein and a great source of vitamin B-12 and riboflavin - which are essential for energy production, cancer prevention, better hair, skin and nail and cell regeneration.  Cook your eggs ahead of time and then they're ready to enjoy alone, on a breakfast sandwich or salad (yes, you can eat salad for breakfast too!)
4. Smoothie. By far, my favorite option.  You can combine your favorite fruits and veggies, protein source, choice of dairy or non-dairy items water or juice.  Check out my monthly newsletter for a quick and easy recipe.

5.  Oatmeal, cream of wheat or grits. Have to eat at your desk?  Packets of  instant oatmeal and grits are easy to store in your desk and simple to make.  Just add hot water and eat.  Add fruit or nuts to bulk up your fiber and protein I Your instant options are high in carbohydrates and fiber and relatively low in calories.  Just watch out for added sugar.  Try to buy low-sugar or unsweetened varieties.   





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