International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Today's blog is short, sweet and to the point.

Insanity =  Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

It's time for a change people!  It doesn't matter what you do, what your title is or who you think you are.  If you are not achieving your dreams, I have one question for you.  Why keep doing the same thing over and over again when you can go beyond?  Click on the YouTube link for a little inspiration.  Listen to the lyrics, find the message.

And then click on this link for an opportunity that can change your life and the lives of YOUR future generations.

<><> </><><></><><></><><> </><><></><><></> THIS IS YOUR DAY TO SHINE, YOUR TIME TO WIN!! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You've Got The Power!!! Now Use It!

It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kind of hectic! I've got the power!! (LOL!) - This is one of the guys from  a group in the 90's called "SNAP"

Ok, if you are a fan of music from the early 90's... you definitely remember the song "I've Got The Power" by a group called SNAP.  As trendy as that song was back then, the title has a message that speaks volumes today, tomorrow and forever: "I've got the power."  And guess what"  You've got it too!  What power am I referring to?  The power between your ears and underneath your nose.  Your brain and your mouth.  You have the power to do all things.  Your daily experiences have impressed upon you infinite wisdom and courage.  There's just one question:  Are you using your power to the best of your abilities?  Unfortunately, the answer for many of us is no.  It's not that we're lazy or don't care.  It's that we have not realized that we are untapped resources. 

The inspiration for today's entry was sparked by two sources.  One of my Facebook friends posted, "No matter how much you've done or how successful you've been, there's always more to do, always more to learn, and always more to achieve."  And not too long after reading that post - I opened my "Today's Scripture" from Joel and Victoria Osteen.  Take a look at the excerpt below:

“The tongue has the power of life and death...”
(Proverbs 18:21, NIV)


TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
"Our words have the power to lift people up or push people down. We can say something to make others feel better about themselves or make them feel worse. It’s amazing what a simple compliment will do. When you tell someone “You look nice today,” or “Great job on that presentation at the office,” or “I really enjoy working with you,” those simple words will put a spring in their step and brighten their day. It doesn’t take much time and doesn’t cost you anything, yet with your words, you can bless their life.

That’s the power God has given each one of us. Every day we should have a goal of finding at least one person that we can encourage. Let’s be free with our compliments. Point out what somebody is doing right, not what they are doing wrong. There is already enough pushing people down. Let’s make it our business to lift people up, to brighten their day, to make them feel better about themselves. Remember, your words are seeds. When you deposit life and blessing into others, that’s what you’ll reap in your own life in return! "


"Our words have the power to lift people up or push people down. We can say something to make others feel better about themselves or make them feel worse. It’s amazing what a simple compliment will do. When you tell someone “You look nice today,” or “Great job on that presentation at the office,” or “I really enjoy working with you,” those simple words will put a spring in their step and brighten their day. It doesn’t take much time and doesn’t cost you anything, yet with your words, you can bless their life.


These words of inspiration really sparked something inside of me today.  They got me thinking.  "Am I using my powers to the best of my abilities?  Well, in some ways yes, in other ways no.  It's ok.  Because I know I can and will do a better job of using my power. 


I encourage you today to say something nice to someone.  I'm not saying make something up either - just mean what you say.  There's always a silver lining to the darkest situations or people.  You never know how a few kind words can really turn things around for someone. And as for the wealth of knowledge you're storing between your ears - share it!  If you see someone struggling - and you know you can help them - impart your wisdom with them.  Even if you don't quite know the answer...start a conversation that could lead to a solution.  Maybe you know someone that can help.  Which means, you gotta open your mouth.  We joke about this all the time - but we are our brother's keeper.  And when you know better, you do better.  YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE PEOPLE'S LIVES!  So extend them help whenever you can, be an inspiration to others any chance you get.  Plant seeds of encouragement on a regular basis.  You'll definitely reap positivity in your life.  Now that's healthy and wealthy living to the fullest.


Click the link below for access to more powerful, health, wealth and wellness information:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Is It Just A Dream?

Can you really live healthy and wealthy or is it just a dream?  This is a question I often pondered as I began my journey more than 10 years ago searching for something different in life. I was not happy with the status quo and knew a change was in order.  But what?  How?  I didn't have a clue.  Mainly because as kids, we're always told, go to school, get a good education so you can get a good job.  Not that I think anything is wrong with getting a good education - but a good job... nothing is wrong with a "good job" but what really is a "good job?"  And who gets to define "good job?"  Me? You? Webster's? The company you work for? 

Let me tell you what so-called "good jobs" have gotten me over the years.  Let's see, umm...broke, busted and disgusted in many cases.  You know the acronym for the old J.O.B. is "just over broke?!?!"  Now, don't get me wrong.  I was blessed to land a job in my chosen field right out of college.  A lot of my peers cannot say the same.  I also had the opportunity to live in a few nice cities, including here in my hometown of Chicago.  I meet a lot of celebrities, work with interesting people from all walks of life and I get to do a job which fascinates many people (boy, if they only knew the truth!! LOL).  The pay isn't bad, but it's not great either when you consider how much work I do on a daily basis.  And I even suffered a huge, unexpected pay cut last year.  I can't take a vacation when I want.  I have to scrap and fight to get any time off - and don't even think about chillin' with family and friends on a "holiday."  Yet, still I rise!!  But at the end of the day, my mind wanders to that place where I know my true happiness lies.  And that's in my home office, running my own business - being my own boss.

Everyone dreams about being their own boss.  But not many people actually seize the opportunity and do it.  Being self-employed or running a business is not for everyone - but you know you've thought about it at least once or twice, right? The point I am trying to make is this:  Don't let your "9 to 5" get in the way of your dreams. You were not put on this earth to toil!  You are here to make a difference in people's lives - starting with yours.  Whatever it is you've been putting on the back burner - JUST DO IT!!  Those great ideas that pop in your head - sit down and write out that vision!  Stop going through the motions thinking - "well, somebody's got to make the donuts!!"  Yeah, somebody's got to make them - but somebody also has to own the donut shop!  Get cooking!  It's time to take your dreams off "simmer" and turn up the heat!  Life is supposed to boil over with excitement.


Let's get one thing clear, as I wrap up our little dream rescusitation session - DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GO OUT AND FIRE YOUR BOSS JUST YET!!  That day is coming.  Just keep doing the great job that you do.  Keep a positive attitude and commit 7 to 10 hours a week to work on your dream.  That's only an hour a day!  You work 40 to 60 hours a week for someone else.  Why not invest a fraction of that time into yourself.  That way you can turn your dream into a reality and be on the road to living healthy and wealthy by your own definition.


Click the link below for a very important, life-changing information.

Monday, June 27, 2011

What a day!

Today was my first day back at work after being off for the last 8 weeks.  Getting back in the saddle like that can be challenging for some folks - especially if you work in a high-paced, stressful environment like I do.  There very little down-time to catch your breath or even go to the bathroom! And forget about a lunch break.  So after my medically induced hiatus, heading back was met with angst, some eagerness and disgust.  But, I made a decision to not let this get the best of me.

While I know where and what I would rather be doing on a daily basis, I also know I have an obligation to complete the journey where I am currently.  So folks, instead of letting doom and gloom set in, I choose to let positivity and faith guide me.  No matter what happened today - no matter who tried to step on my toes and treat me like a 5th class citizen, I kept my head held high, smiled and kept a pep in my step.  Yes indeed, that place was my runway, my stage, my moment in the spotlight.  And I'm not letting my 15 minutes of fame end anytime soon!


From this point forward, it is my goal - and my right - to not let anyone steal my joy.  They didn't give it to me, so they can't have it.  Yeah, I know everyday is not going to be a bowl of cherries, but when I start getting lemons, I'm gonna make the best darn lemon meringue cake I've ever tasted (see - you thought I was going for the old "make lemonade" adage)!!!


Today was very liberating for me.  I finally believe I truly have found the key to unlock the peace of mind I have so desperately needed in my life.  That key also unlocks a healthier way of living.  No more sweating the small stuff for me - no sir!  I know I am too blessed to be stressed.   So, for those of you reading this - take heed.  You too don't deserve to reside in "funky town" unless you are talking about getting your groove on in your own special way.  Surround yourself with positive people, positive things and always take time out for yourself to do whatever it is you need to center yourself and find peace.  You'll be happy, your body mind and soul will be happy and you can sit back, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. This is one of the very important steps on our journey to be healthy and wealthy.  STRESS FREE - PEACE OF MIND - PRICELESS.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Motivational Quotes For The Day

Deep Thoughts

Live out your imagination, not your history.
 - Steven Covey
 (motivational coach/author)

If you dream about it, you can be about it.
 - Alicia Bettes-Teague
  (billionaire/health & wellness coach)

What floats your boat?  I want to hear about your dreams and even how you plan to make them a reality.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Are you living healthy and wealthy?

How do you define living healthy and wealthy?  Remember, our goal is to keep our minds open and think outside of the box.  So don't rely on the generic, blanket answer.  Dig deep.  Think big!  Do you define healthy as being in great shape and health according to medical standards?  Does being wealthy mean you have unlimited cash flow or material possessions?  I can't wait to hear what you have to say.


Living Healthy and Wealthy

Living healthy and wealthy is a lifestyle many people have no clue how to attain. Mainly because most people have not defined what health and wealth mean to them.  The purpose of this blog will be to help shatter a lifetime of mis-information about two of the most powerful words in any human language and open your minds to new ways of thinking and strategizing as you map out the course for your life.  Whether you are looking to make a personal change, know someone who needs to make a change or if you just like absorbing useful information, "Living Healthy and Wealthy" has something for you.  So sit back and strap in tight.  The information you are about to emark upon will certainly stir something in your soul, give you the gutt-check you've been needing and spark new dreams and desires that have been laying dormant.  Get ready to live healthy and wealthy starting right now!