It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kind of hectic! I've got the power!! (LOL!) - This is one of the guys from a group in the 90's called "SNAP" |
Ok, if you are a fan of music from the early 90's... you definitely remember the song "I've Got The Power" by a group called SNAP. As trendy as that song was back then, the title has a message that speaks volumes today, tomorrow and forever: "I've got the power." And guess what" You've got it too! What power am I referring to? The power between your ears and underneath your nose. Your brain and your mouth. You have the power to do all things. Your daily experiences have impressed upon you infinite wisdom and courage. There's just one question: Are you using your power to the best of your abilities? Unfortunately, the answer for many of us is no. It's not that we're lazy or don't care. It's that we have not realized that we are untapped resources. The inspiration for today's entry was sparked by two sources. One of my Facebook friends posted, "No matter how much you've done or how successful you've been, there's always more to do, always more to learn, and always more to achieve." And not too long after reading that post - I opened my "Today's Scripture" from Joel and Victoria Osteen. Take a look at the excerpt below:
“The tongue has the power of life and death...”
(Proverbs 18:21, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
"Our words have the power to lift people up or push people down. We can say something to make others feel better about themselves or make them feel worse. It’s amazing what a simple compliment will do. When you tell someone “You look nice today,” or “Great job on that presentation at the office,” or “I really enjoy working with you,” those simple words will put a spring in their step and brighten their day. It doesn’t take much time and doesn’t cost you anything, yet with your words, you can bless their life.
That’s the power God has given each one of us. Every day we should have a goal of finding at least one person that we can encourage. Let’s be free with our compliments. Point out what somebody is doing right, not what they are doing wrong. There is already enough pushing people down. Let’s make it our business to lift people up, to brighten their day, to make them feel better about themselves. Remember, your words are seeds. When you deposit life and blessing into others, that’s what you’ll reap in your own life in return! "
"Our words have the power to lift people up or push people down. We can say something to make others feel better about themselves or make them feel worse. It’s amazing what a simple compliment will do. When you tell someone “You look nice today,” or “Great job on that presentation at the office,” or “I really enjoy working with you,” those simple words will put a spring in their step and brighten their day. It doesn’t take much time and doesn’t cost you anything, yet with your words, you can bless their life.
These words of inspiration really sparked something inside of me today. They got me thinking. "Am I using my powers to the best of my abilities? Well, in some ways yes, in other ways no. It's ok. Because I know I can and will do a better job of using my power.
I encourage you today to say something nice to someone. I'm not saying make something up either - just mean what you say. There's always a silver lining to the darkest situations or people. You never know how a few kind words can really turn things around for someone. And as for the wealth of knowledge you're storing between your ears - share it! If you see someone struggling - and you know you can help them - impart your wisdom with them. Even if you don't quite know the answer...start a conversation that could lead to a solution. Maybe you know someone that can help. Which means, you gotta open your mouth. We joke about this all the time - but we are our brother's keeper. And when you know better, you do better. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE PEOPLE'S LIVES! So extend them help whenever you can, be an inspiration to others any chance you get. Plant seeds of encouragement on a regular basis. You'll definitely reap positivity in your life. Now that's healthy and wealthy living to the fullest.
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