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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Is It Just A Dream?

Can you really live healthy and wealthy or is it just a dream?  This is a question I often pondered as I began my journey more than 10 years ago searching for something different in life. I was not happy with the status quo and knew a change was in order.  But what?  How?  I didn't have a clue.  Mainly because as kids, we're always told, go to school, get a good education so you can get a good job.  Not that I think anything is wrong with getting a good education - but a good job... nothing is wrong with a "good job" but what really is a "good job?"  And who gets to define "good job?"  Me? You? Webster's? The company you work for? 

Let me tell you what so-called "good jobs" have gotten me over the years.  Let's see, umm...broke, busted and disgusted in many cases.  You know the acronym for the old J.O.B. is "just over broke?!?!"  Now, don't get me wrong.  I was blessed to land a job in my chosen field right out of college.  A lot of my peers cannot say the same.  I also had the opportunity to live in a few nice cities, including here in my hometown of Chicago.  I meet a lot of celebrities, work with interesting people from all walks of life and I get to do a job which fascinates many people (boy, if they only knew the truth!! LOL).  The pay isn't bad, but it's not great either when you consider how much work I do on a daily basis.  And I even suffered a huge, unexpected pay cut last year.  I can't take a vacation when I want.  I have to scrap and fight to get any time off - and don't even think about chillin' with family and friends on a "holiday."  Yet, still I rise!!  But at the end of the day, my mind wanders to that place where I know my true happiness lies.  And that's in my home office, running my own business - being my own boss.

Everyone dreams about being their own boss.  But not many people actually seize the opportunity and do it.  Being self-employed or running a business is not for everyone - but you know you've thought about it at least once or twice, right? The point I am trying to make is this:  Don't let your "9 to 5" get in the way of your dreams. You were not put on this earth to toil!  You are here to make a difference in people's lives - starting with yours.  Whatever it is you've been putting on the back burner - JUST DO IT!!  Those great ideas that pop in your head - sit down and write out that vision!  Stop going through the motions thinking - "well, somebody's got to make the donuts!!"  Yeah, somebody's got to make them - but somebody also has to own the donut shop!  Get cooking!  It's time to take your dreams off "simmer" and turn up the heat!  Life is supposed to boil over with excitement.


Let's get one thing clear, as I wrap up our little dream rescusitation session - DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GO OUT AND FIRE YOUR BOSS JUST YET!!  That day is coming.  Just keep doing the great job that you do.  Keep a positive attitude and commit 7 to 10 hours a week to work on your dream.  That's only an hour a day!  You work 40 to 60 hours a week for someone else.  Why not invest a fraction of that time into yourself.  That way you can turn your dream into a reality and be on the road to living healthy and wealthy by your own definition.


Click the link below for a very important, life-changing information.

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