International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Get up and Get Moving!!!

A sedentary lifestyle will ultimately lead to death.  I decided to bring attention to this after reading about a 20 year old man who died after playing XBox for several hours.  Here's the  link to the story:

We sit a number of hours in front on computers at work, home and school.  And then to relax, we spend more hours in front of the tv, laptops, tablets and texting on our cell phones.  People, we have to get off our duffs and get moving.  Those eat healthy and exercise campaigns are not just for kids.  Adults need to get in the game too.  And apparently, you need to drag your child along with you - even if they're 20 years old. 

Go on the internet and google sedentary lifestyle.  You will find a number of studies done on thes subject.  All of them will tell you that people who sit or are stationary for long periods of time on a daily basis, can develop a number of health challenges and increase their risk of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and pulmonary emobolisms - all which can lead to an early, preventable death.

Stop being a couch potato!  Go for a walk, ride a bike, play catch with your kids or dogs, do some chores around the house or in the yard, walk around the mall (leave your cash and credit cards home), just don't sit by and let  life pass you by.  Otherwise, it will do just that.  Stop sitting and start living.  A world of health and wealth awaits you!

Need a jolt of energy to get you going?  Try our healthy coffee.  It not only tastes good, it's good for you.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Too Blessed, To Be Stressed

I read a story online today about middle-aged women being the most stressed-out people in our country.

Here's the link to the post:

While this may be true for the masses, remember, you are a unique individual and are the master of your destiny.  So I say - You and I are too blessed to be stressed.

A friend reminded me today about a saying almost every Christian or God fearing person says.  And that is:  "God never puts more on you than you can bear."  Yet, another true statement.  So, if that's the case, why do we put more on ourselves than the creator ever would? Hmmmm, yes, a deep thought, I know. 

How are we supposed to live healthy and wealthy we constantly cram nonsense and chaos into our lives daily? Simple: Apparently, if that's the case, we aren't living all that healthy or wealthy. Ok then, STOP IT! Quit acting like your name is "U-Haul" and it's your duty to carry all of people's junk around from place to place. Including your own junk. Change the things you can - Accept the things that you can't. Don't sweat the small stuff - or the big stuff either. Life is too short. I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating: You should be living - not just existing or surviving. While we are our brother's keepers - we are not our brothers door mat or storage facility.


There are 24 hours in a day, how are you spending your time?  Are you walking around with the weight of the world on your shoulders, moping, thinking "woe is me?" Kick that attitude to the curb. Every single second you are able to breath, see, eat, sleep, cry, walk, talk or just sit and be still -- YOU ARE BLESSED. 24 hours goes by really fast. Before you know it, you've gone a week, a month, a year, a decade and beyond - stressed - and for what? Worrying didn't change your situation - so try something different. Be positive and know things are going to work out the way they are supposed to. Live, Learn and Love your Life. You only have one - so use it wisely.

You would be "wise" to click the following link.  A message of hope awaits you. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Truth Shall Set You Free

I feel like I'm channeling my inner-Aunt Esther from "Sanford and Son" anytime I repeat or think about the saying "The truth shall set you free!!!" I can't help it.  IT'S THE TRUTH!!  Staying true and telling the truth have been on my mind a lot lately.  That's because I know something about someone and they don't know that I know.  This someone is also doing everything in their power to avoid telling me the "truth."  The funny thing is .. they don't know the entire truth about the situation they think they're keeping from me.  I only learned "more of the truth"  in the last few days - and I want so badly to tell them the jig is up!  But, I'm being told it is not my place to do so. 

Everyone involved in this tangled web is an adult, but I feel uncomfortable keeping this to myself.  I don't appreciate playing a childish game I have unwillingly been roped into, especially when someone's emotions are on the line.  Oh, what to do?"  Do I just ignore it?  Act like I know nothing?   I don't know.  You tell me.  Here's what I do know.  Truth is a virtue.  Telling the truth is a very important trait.  My parents taught me to tell the truth all the time.  Even when it scares you to death.  The truth helps avoid misunderstandings and complications later.  When people avoid being truthful, it can lead to numerous other lies and complications.  Being untruthful is unhealthy.. mentally and physically.  And in the end, can lead to a whole wealth of trouble.

Share your thought about what you would do in this situation.

In the meantime - click the link below to learn about a truth I am sharing with everyone I know!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No Expectations, No Disappointments

How many times have you heard the expression, "no expectations, no disappointments?"  Probably more times than you can remember - or care to.  You probably even used it yourself a time or two.  But the real question is, are you living by this age-old adage?  Chances are, as soon as you get the statement out of your mouth - applying it to an actual situation goes out the window.   Today, we are going to try and change that.  I know, easier said than done.  But seriously, I'm learning to apply this statement to work, home and play.  And if I can do it, you can too.  So, with that being said, let's explore a few "reminders" (you already this stuff!!) to keep us on track.

How do you define expectation? 

I think it's important to start with your definition of expectation.  Our friends at define it as: 
1. A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.
2. A belief that someone will or should achieve something

Now, let's work with these definitions.  If we truly put expectations on someone or something - we are setting ourselves up for a major let down.  You see, if you don't share your expectations with that someone - and they don't perform as "you" require - well, that's your clue right there.  You cannot hold them responsible for "your" disappointments.  The issue is not about our expectations which are one-sided.  The real issue is  "my" expectation of you.
So how do we change that?  Not have any expectations?  Absolutely not!  No pessimistic thinking allowed!  We must turn this negative into a positive for both parties by coming to an agreement - an understanding if you will, that the real issue around accountability is what "we" agree with each other.  This is powerful and can work in changing expectations to agreements and any situation.
If you keep this in mind - you can learn to let go of unrealistic expectations of others.  Remember, the only expectation you are allowed to have is of yourself.  Take a moment right now and release all expectations of other people. (I'm not kidding, take a moment - or two, or three) Ok, did you do it?  Understand, this is not about the other person.  It is about you, your thoughts and feelings about the situation(s).


Yeah, I know .. you can't just talk about it.  You have to be about it.  Yes, I know, people are still going to disappoint us - over and over and over again.  But it's not about how many times we are let down - it's how we get back up or stay up and focused on the matter at hand.  That's why it's critical to have a conversation with the person to establish and agreement.  And if the agreement is not met - have another conversation to find out why.  Don't launch it to the "I expect that...." mode either!!  Ask questions and stay focused on getting a mutual understanding and agreement.  Keep in mind  - your actual agreement may be that the person may not have agreed with you.  But instead of being disappointed and frustrated, you can be empowered and confident that you held up your part of the bargain (the agreement),  and together you can move forward.


Ahhh, don't you feel better about the no expectations, no disappointments lifestyle?  I know you can do it.  Things won't fall into place overnight, but if you consistently put this plan into action, you will be freed from that albatross of hurt feelings and disappointment around your neck.  In the words of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ... "FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST.  THANK GOD ALMIGHTY WE'RE FREE AT LAST!"

Yet another way of living healthy and wealthy!!!  Man, all this knowledge for free??!!!  (SMILE)

Click the link to take the tour for another healthy, holistic taste of freedom.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What's My Motivation?

Please tell me you remember that funny Sprite commercial from a few years back - when a group of guys  playing basketball (in a commercial) were abruptly cut off by a director -- and one yells .."Excuse me, what's my motivation?" Ok, if you don't have a clue of what I'm talking about, check out the commerical on youtube. Here's the link:

I often think of this funny spot when I struggle to find my motiviation to keep going. Whether it's personal or professional, we've all come to that bridge when we either wanted to simply quit or it when seems we've run out of options after trying our hardest at something and it ends in disappointment.

That's when you have to dig down deep. I mean really deep. You have to put all of the outside chatter you hear from friends, family, co-workers and the so-called experts out of your brain and just focus on you, your thoughts, your true feelings and emotions. You have to revisit why you started something or got into something in the first place.  Basically, you have to rediscover your drive.

Why even spend the energy and time?  Because it’s going to be different this time! Because you can’t accomplish anything that you give up on. Disappointments and failures happen to everyone. The difference between those who reach their goals and those who don’t is staying motivated. If you’re motivated, you’ll keep going. If you keep going, eventually you’ll reach your goal.

Here are a few tips I have picked up along the way that help keep me fired up to stay motivated.

The first is having confidence.  I know I am a survivor and a conqueror.  The more I accomplish, the more I believe in myself.  I set goals and if I don't achieve them one way, I try another route.  The key here is, I never give up.

Staying on track also keeps my eye on the prize.  I have a vision board that I keep posted on my wall in my office.  It's all of the things I'd like to accomplish personally and professionally.  That board keeps me focused on "why" I get up and do what I do every single day.  Even when I don't feel like it.  Before you know it, time flies by and I can't believe what I have achieved in what seemed like an eternity, but really was a short period of time.

You have to build on your momentum.  It can lead to great results.  When you are able to to do this, you not only work towards your goal(s), but you also keep your streak alive.  This proves to be even more reason to reach your goal(s). 

And finally, if you stick to your plan, you'll learn and understand more as you hit bumps in the road and achieve success.  You'll figure out what works best and what doesn't.  Before you know it, you've grown into a stronger more confident "new you."  You are a winner who didn't give up when the going got tough.  You'll see  it, feel it and know it.  And guess what, everyone around you will too!!

Check out the following website that is helping thousands of people stay motivated and reach their fullest potential.  Here's to your health and wealth!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Deserve A Break

Every billionaire needs a break from reality.  This weekend is my break.  I will talk with you again next week.  Remember - you have the keys to living healthy and wealthy right inside of you.  Unlock your wisdom (knowledge) and share it with others.

You have to make the effort to change your life.  No one can do it for you!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Best Secrets Revealed

I am sharing an article with you that I came across today.  It helps shed some light on the secrets of the wealthy - I love the fact that there are no secrets.  This is the best free advice ever!! Enjoy!

There Are No Secrets to Becoming Wealthy

by SMD 
Some thoughts to myself, about what it REALLY takes to become wealthy.
Every time I pick up a money magazine or log on to a website to read about personal finance, I see the same type of stuff. People are always talking about money and the “secrets” to getting rich. Like most of you, I have been trying to find this secret for the entirety of my life, but I have yet to see any real, justifiable basis for believing that one exists. To put it frankly, there is no secret formula to accumulating wealth. Becoming rich is about hard work, a clear vision, and the staunch ability to follow through on that vision.
Getting rich isn’t about finding the cure to cancer or creating the next Wal-Mart. You just have to know where you are going and have a plan to get there. That’s the easy part, to say the least. Following through on that can be significantly more difficult. Here are some of the not so secret things that rich people do in order to accumulate their wealth.
Have a Passion for your Work It doesn’t matter if you’re a freelance writer or a pharmacist. If you don’t have a passion for your money making machine, then you are going to have a hard time being successful. Research has shown that more than 80% of millionaires in the United States say that they had a true passion for their line of work. (And half of the rest had a true passion for inheriting their parents’ fortunes!)
Making a Plan This isn’t rocket science, either. You won’t ever become wealthy by sitting in the debt cycle or a spending cycle. If you spend every dollar that comes in, whether that’s ten dollars or $100,000, you are going to struggle to accumulate real wealth. The key is to be honest with yourself about where you, and then try to map out where you’re headed. In order to come up with a good plan, you can’t just consider yourself, though. What about your wife, your family, and your job? Make it realistic, and don’t plan on hitting the lottery.
Pay Yourself What does this mean? It means that every time you make money, you have to pay some to your investment or savings fund. Even if you are starting small, this is the best way to start learning how to save. Don’t put that money in the piggy bank, either. Set it off in a low risk account that will grow at 5% each year. It might not seem like much right now, but remember that you are planning for the long haul. Getting that idea into your mind will help you get better at this whole financial planning thing. The U.S. government has a special section on retirement planning.
Stop Spending!
You might not believe this, but there’s probably a millionaire living in your middle class neighborhood. Sure, he or she might not flaunt their money and buy expensive things, but they’ve got it sitting in the bank if they want to. Most wealthy people are wealthy because they understood from an easy age how to get nice things at a bargain. They don’t have to spend every dime on new, fancy things. Instead, they let their money build upon itself.
Successful people don’t get there by accident. They have a plan and they make themselves stick to it. It might seem difficult at first, but after some time and practice, you can start thinking like a wealthy person, too. To read more about retirement planning, check out the resources provided by CNN’s Retirement Tips and Advice.

Some Other Articles You May Enjoy

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You Must Recharge Your Battery

I have been completely drained today. 

I am recharging my battery.

We will talk again tomorrow.

Gettinng plenty of rest and knowing when to kick back and relax will keep you on the path of living healthy and wealthy.

Click the link to find out more about the coffee that I and thousands of others are drinking to help recharge our batteries and our bank accounts!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Start With That Person In The Mirror

If a person can stand up to the mirror - they can stand up to anything in this world.

What positive changes have you made today to help you stay on the road to living healthy and wealthy?

We should be engaging in activities daily that will change our lives for the better - as well for the people in our lives.

Did you say compliment someone today?
Did you support someone's small business?
Did you encourage a kid (or adult - we're all really kids you know) to do their best?
Did you make a donation to a worthy cause or organization?
Did you help someone in need?
Did you pray for somenone?
Did you give anyone a hug?
Did you flash a smile at a stranger today?
Did you say hello to anybody?

Ok, you get the point. I could go on and on and on. If you can't answer yes to any of those questions, then it's time to make a change. You can't change the world around you until you start with that person in the mirror.

Go above and beyond to be more conscious of your actions and non-actions. Remember, you are training people all of the time.  You are a leader. So act like one!

Please share with me how you plan to change the person in your mirror. No one can be a harsher critic on you except for you! Embrace it and overcome all of your obstacles starting today!

Most importantly. Don't let someone else's criticism take you out of the game! Click the link below and take my coffee millions tour today. Learn how to reverse any adverse situation in your life.

Keep living healthy and wealthy!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

How "Hot" Is Your Legacy?

Sorry, it's so hot here in Chicago today - I could not refrain from using a temperature reference in my title.  I hope everyone has found a cool way to beat the heat - and survive any weather you may be facing in the world - including any personal storms.

 Remember, you don't have to let the past dictate your legacy.  You can do something right now that will ensure people will remember you the way you want them to.

Take a minute to think about how you want to be remembered.  Is your legacy "hot" enough that it will have people talking for decades and centuries to come?  If not, start making changes this very moment.  Share your comments with us how you want to be remembered.

You are in control on your destiny now and into eternity.  

History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.
- Sir Winston Churchill

One way people like to be remembered is through generational wealth.

Generational wealth is a financial entity you create today that can be passed down to your children, your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, their children and so on and so on - you get the picture.

Are you creating generational wealth?  Chances are, if the only thing you're doing in life is working a job - the answer is no.  There are several avenues you could travel to create generational wealth.  My advice to you is find a product or service that everyone needs, wants and can afford. Any business that addresses those three points, will truly create an income you can live on today, tomorrow and to the end of time.

To learn more about a great product that is creating generational wealth for thousands of individuals and families, click the following link:

A Healthy and Wealthy lifestyle can be yours. 

Don't get left behind.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Leadership Is An Art Form

I pondered the word leadership today and thought about people I know who consider themselves leaders. The one flaw many of "leaders" seem to have is exactly figuring out how to get others to do what they want done - because they (the others) want to.


Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Leadership is an art form.  Some people are natural, born leaders.  Others have to pick up skills and hone them along the way.  Whether you are a leader of one (yourself) or an entire group, the 34th president of the United States coined one of the best definitions I've ever heard.  The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because HE wants to do it.  Pure Genius! 

So how does one achieve this?  If you've been keeping up to this point, it's an art form.  Which basically means - no one can really teach you.  Everyone is different.  And it is crucial you keep that in mind because it's the key to you successfully becoming an effective leader.  You have to learn what makes people tick.  You have to be diplomatic.  You have to put yourself in their shoes.  Most importantly, you have to become a top listener.  Don't just hear people -  you must listen to them.  You must care enough to step outside your comfort zone of being in charge and sit back and let them take the reigns. Never underestimate anyone - and never overestimate them either.  If you do, you both might be in for tremendous disappointment. 

Remember, a strong leader is the captain of his/her own ship - but you are NOT the master of another person's destiny.  You can guide them, share your wisdom and be a good example.  But ultimately, they are in control of their decisions, how they respond to adversities and how they choose to achieve a goal.

 You never really know everything that is going on in someone's life.  So don't assume you know their entire story.  And for goodness sake, don't pass judgement on them either!  The race is not always given to the swift or the strong.  It is however, always given to the one who endures to the end.  Never give up on someone because they are not moving as fast as you want (need) them to.  And don't assume they've given up just because they have not achieved the level of success you believe they should have attained by a certain point.  Maybe they are re-evaluating their course, still keeping their eyes on the prize. 

If you take any of this to heart - then you would have to agree that everyone is and should be a leader.  Putting any of these qualities I've mentioned to good use will not only help shape your journey as a leader, they could also help mold you into an overall better person.  And don't forget:  All of this is only possible with respect.  Every leader needs it - but even more importantly, they need to be able to give it too.

I hope you have enjoyed my latest tools for living healthy and wealthy.

Click the link below for testimonials from leaders around the world about how they too are living healthy and wealthy.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take 5!

When was the last time you took 5?  No, not a 5 minute break, although you need to do that too.  I'm talking about taking the 5  top super fruits in the world.  Noni, Mangosteen, Acai' Berry, Gogi and Pomegranate.  If these ftuits are foreign to you, let me give you a brief breakdown. 

These fruits not only will change your  life, they may also save it too.

Pomegranate - One of the oldest fruits known to man.  Rich in vitamins A, B & C, potassium, phosphorus. magnesium, calcium, sodium and fiber. 

Goji - Considered miraculous since ancient times. Rich in polysaccharides* with 18 amino acids, 21 minerals, proteins, fiber and Omega-3 and Omega-6. Also contains vitamins A, B, C, & E

Acai' Berry - Legendary fruit from the amazon that contains 10 to 33 times more antioxidants than grapes and used for red wine.


Noni - Used as a medicinal plant for thousands of years to help different conditions. Contains polysaccharide-based nutrients, organic acids, vitamins and minerals.

Mangosteen - As Asian naitve that has caused a commotion with its splendid flavor. Know as the "Queen of Fruits." It also possessess high levels of xanthones.*

You'd have to consume the entire combination of these fruits several times everyday to achieve the overall health properties associated with each of them.  Who has time for that?  Not me.  I know you don't either.  But you don't have to do that.  You can get the power of 5 in one simple antioxidant drink called Le'Vive.  Just 2 ounces 3 times a day a day will do the trick!

Le'Vive is one of the most powerful antioxidant supplement juices on the market today. A proprietary blend of Mangosteen, Gogi, Noni, Açai Berry and Pomegranate. These powerful superfruits are combined to give you an unbeatable blend of antioxidants to help revive you from the inside-out.
Our Everyday Health Benefits:
  • Helps to neutralize free radicals, which may be one of the many contributing factors to aging
  • Increases energy and strength
  • Helps you maintain your current state of good health
  • Aids in supporting your body’s natural balance
  • Prevent degenerative conditions like cancer, high blood pressure and diabates
You can simply go online to purchase this life saving juice or contact me for a special deal.  I can also tell you about how you can get paid for referrals!!

Yet another key to living healthy and wealthy!!


Polysaccharides - Healthy carbohydrates.  Polysaccharides are important in the prevention of degenerative type diseases. These include cardiovascular disease and diabetes type.  Polysaccharides can also act as an anticoagulant. They reduce the stickiness of platelets making it harder for them to build up in artery wall and have anti-thrombotic effects and blood lipids are reduced.
HDL cholesterol may be raised while LDL levels are decreased. Polysaccharides also help to regulate immune function.

Xanthones - Xanthones are a class of polyphenolic compounds that commonly occur in plants and have been shown to have extensive biological and pharmacological activities. Xanthones and derivatives have been shown to have beneficial effects on some cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension and thrombosis. The protective effects in the cardiovascular system may be due to their antioxidant, antiinflammatory, platelet aggregation inhibitory, antithrombotic and/or vasorelaxant activities. In particular, the antagonism of endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitors by xanthones may represent the basis for improved endothelial function and for reduction of events associated with atherosclerosis. They may also have anti-tumor activity thus potentially having an influence in the prevention or treatment of certain cancers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Words To Live By

This entry is a short one today.  I've been going full steam ahead for 17 hours now.  But I didn't want to hit the sack without sharing a positive thought with you for the day.  And that's simply, do your best and forget the rest!  Just one of dozens of lines I hear in my head now after submitting to P90X workouts with fitness phenom Tony Horton nearly 2 years ago 

Talk to you tomorrow! Remember to keep striving to live healthy and wealthy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Drink Your Way To Better Health

Our bodies are 70% water. On a daily basis, we should be drinking enough water that equals at least 64oz or half our body weight if you're trying to lose weight. But is your water making you sick? Causing cancer? Skin problems? Tainted your food and other beverages? The answer to all of those questions is probably yes. You're not alone though. Millions of Americans are drinking toxic water. Filtration processes do not remove all of the harmful bacteria in our water. In fact, the fluoride that is put into most drinking water is not necessary and can lead to a number of illnesses. Don't believe me? Do the research. The information is out there.

You can drink your way to better health with improving the water that you drink.  Have you ever heard of alkaline water?  A lot of people haven't.  Check out the benefits:
  •  Alkaline water has powerful antioxidant properties, which improve the body's defense against diseases.
  • Water that is alkaline will flush acid waste from the body
  • Alkaline water helps to balance the body's pH, which tends to be acidic because of our lifestyles (e.g. - meat, sugar, coffee and dairy products)
  • A higher pH in the body reduces the need for fat and cholesterol to protect the body from damaging acids

So how do you get alkaline water into your home?  Once again, do your research!!  You can purchase machines for your home that will purify your water.  Or you can purchase one of those water dispensers or buy it from a local health store that sells alkaline water by the gallon. 


I use alkaline water on a daily basis.  And once you start drinking it, you can taste and feel the difference immediately.  The water tastes clean and pure, your food and other prepared beverages come alive.  Most importantly, all of those nasty toxins built up inside of you gradually exit your system.  After a while, you will be "regular" and will notice the difference in your mirror!!  That bloated belly starts to fade away too.


Don't forget - it's not just about the water - be more mindful of the foods you're putting into your body.  Try to eat more fresh/organic fruits and veggies.  Eat less meat - and if you can, try to purchase grass fed / free range / no antibiotic meats.  Our foods are making us sick too. 


This leads me to advise you to improve your other beverage options too. Did you know that coffee is the second most consumed beverage after water? It takes 17 glasses of water to neutralize on cup of coffee! 


I want to help you change your life!  Try out my healthy coffee, tea and hot chocolate.  Our product has half the amount of caffeine that is in regular coffee and it's also infused with Ganoderma - also known as the king of herb.  (See my blog from Sunday, July 10th to learn more about ganoderma.)    In a nutshell, ganoderma helps neutralize the toxicity of coffee.  Our products contains 150 antioxidants in just one cup!  Ganoderma helps you lose weight, improve your memory and fights chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, allergies and so many more.


Here's the website for more information:

Have a coffeelicious day!