International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Your "Why" Should Make You Cry

Everyone has their reasons why they want to be healthy and wealthy.  Some want to be wealthy simply for financial reason.  Others want to be healthy (or in shape) because they want others to think they're attractive. While these are totally subjective matters - I've learned there's one compelling factor that transcends any reason for wanting health or wealth.  That factor is your "why."  Yes, I said your "why."  Your why should make you cry.  I don't mean sobbing because you feel sorry for yourself either.  This cry should be your burning desire to become financially independent and healthy.  Not for things like - "..I want to make the women hate me and all the men want me."  I want you to go deep down inside to the places that keep you up at night.  Do you have a sick parent, spouse or child?  Are you afraid of not being able to provide for your family?  Are you always working and never have time to spend with loved ones?   Are you just sick and tired of being sick and tired?  These are just a few of the thoughts people wrestle with on a daily and nightly basis that stress them out and keep them tossing and turning and their stomachs in knots.

So, what are you going to do about it?  Are you just going to keep going day by day hoping your situation improves - or are you going to take a stand do something about it?  The choice is yours.  A few simple changes could mean the difference of you just exisiting or living the life of  your dreams.  And don't forget, when you change, the people around you change too.  Hopefully it's for the better.  But if not, that's ok too.  Everything happens for a reason.  This is your season to turn things around in your favor.

Here's to your success in all your future endeavors.


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