I read a story online today about middle-aged women being the most stressed-out people in our country.
Here's the link to the post:
While this may be true for the masses, remember, you are a unique individual and are the master of your destiny. So I say - You and I are too blessed to be stressed.
A friend reminded me today about a saying almost every Christian or God fearing person says. And that is: "God never puts more on you than you can bear." Yet, another true statement. So, if that's the case, why do we put more on ourselves than the creator ever would? Hmmmm, yes, a deep thought, I know.
How are we supposed to live healthy and wealthy we constantly cram nonsense and chaos into our lives daily? Simple: Apparently, if that's the case, we aren't living all that healthy or wealthy. Ok then, STOP IT! Quit acting like your name is "U-Haul" and it's your duty to carry all of people's junk around from place to place. Including your own junk. Change the things you can - Accept the things that you can't. Don't sweat the small stuff - or the big stuff either. Life is too short. I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating: You should be living - not just existing or surviving. While we are our brother's keepers - we are not our brothers door mat or storage facility.
There are 24 hours in a day, how are you spending your time? Are you walking around with the weight of the world on your shoulders, moping, thinking "woe is me?" Kick that attitude to the curb. Every single second you are able to breath, see, eat, sleep, cry, walk, talk or just sit and be still -- YOU ARE BLESSED. 24 hours goes by really fast. Before you know it, you've gone a week, a month, a year, a decade and beyond - stressed - and for what? Worrying didn't change your situation - so try something different. Be positive and know things are going to work out the way they are supposed to. Live, Learn and Love your Life. You only have one - so use it wisely.
You would be "wise" to click the following link. A message of hope awaits you.
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