International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Do you want to be happy or healthy?

Cream or sugar?  Black or white? Stop or Go?  Left or Right?  Which would you rather be - happy or healthy?  Some would say leading a healthy life leads to happiness, even if you sometimes have to disappoint others around you.  I agree.

The reason I am rasing this question today is because I had someone tell me they only say yes or do things  sometimes so they don't hurt someone else's feelings.  Even if they know what they're doing is making them sick - physically and mentally.  Essentially, what this person is doing could actually kill them.  I wish I was exaggerating this story, but I'm not!

Without going into too much detail, here's what this person said to me.  They continue to eat and drink things they know they shouldn't because they don't want to hurt the feelings of the people who give these things to them.  They said it would be rude to refuse the items.  My response:  So, how rude are you going to be when you kick the bucket (die) eating and drinking things you know you shouldn't?  Who's feelings are going to be hurt then?

 Guess what? I didn't get a response.  It's exactly what I expected. He'd never even thought about his actions that way.

People.. listen up.  It's ok to say no.  It's ok to say no thank you.  It's ok to say - thanks but no thanks.  You get the picture?  The freedom to choose is a wonderful thing.  It's our God given right.  Embrace it.  Even when you know it could disappoint someone.  Just remember, there is a difference between just saying no because you can - and saying no when you need to.  As I stated in an earlier blog - we are our brothers' keeper.  Saying no - with an explanation sometimes - as in the situation I mentioned will help people understand the reason for your no.  And yes - many times a simple no will also suffice.  Sometimes we make the wrong choices based on our lack of knowledge.  Don't feel too bad.  It's part of the living and learning process.   But at some point, wisdom needs to kick in so that we don't keep going down the same and most times wrong path.  When you know better, you do better.  You are going to see that phrase a lot from me.  It's my personal sublimal message.

Making healthy decisions - whether spiritual, diet, career or relationship related, lead to a wealth of happiness.  Remember, the choice is yours. 

Click the link below to learn more about a healthy choice that could change your life.

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