International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Monday, July 18, 2011

How "Hot" Is Your Legacy?

Sorry, it's so hot here in Chicago today - I could not refrain from using a temperature reference in my title.  I hope everyone has found a cool way to beat the heat - and survive any weather you may be facing in the world - including any personal storms.

 Remember, you don't have to let the past dictate your legacy.  You can do something right now that will ensure people will remember you the way you want them to.

Take a minute to think about how you want to be remembered.  Is your legacy "hot" enough that it will have people talking for decades and centuries to come?  If not, start making changes this very moment.  Share your comments with us how you want to be remembered.

You are in control on your destiny now and into eternity.  

History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.
- Sir Winston Churchill

One way people like to be remembered is through generational wealth.

Generational wealth is a financial entity you create today that can be passed down to your children, your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, their children and so on and so on - you get the picture.

Are you creating generational wealth?  Chances are, if the only thing you're doing in life is working a job - the answer is no.  There are several avenues you could travel to create generational wealth.  My advice to you is find a product or service that everyone needs, wants and can afford. Any business that addresses those three points, will truly create an income you can live on today, tomorrow and to the end of time.

To learn more about a great product that is creating generational wealth for thousands of individuals and families, click the following link:

A Healthy and Wealthy lifestyle can be yours. 

Don't get left behind.

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