International Association for Health Coaches Member!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wealthy is as Wealthy does. If at first you don't succeed... well, you know the rest.

Wealthy is as wealthy does... kind of sounds like that famous "stupid is as stupid does" line from the film Forrest Gump!!  In other words - it takes one to know one. Whatever the wealthy do - you should imitate them.  I'm not saying you should follow everything to the letter - you have to adjust depending on the industry you're trying to capitalize. 

A colleague told me today about a program he was watching on television.  The guests were all entrepreneurs who were either millionaires or billionaires.  Most of them had failed at their businesses several times before reaching their goals.  Many had even filed bankruptcy multiple times.  Now for some of us, having to file for bankruptcy and failing at our business ventures over and over again, would have taken us out of the game.  But true business-minded types know and live by the old saying "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again."  I'm sure Mr. Henry Ford didn't hit the jackpot with the very 1st T-Model he rolled out - and we all know the trials of the Wright Brothers.  And Madame C.J. Walker had to "whip" a lot of hair and mix-up batches of styling products before coming the first female millionaire.
Madame CJ Walker

 What makes these people more special than you or me?  Absolutely nothing.  The difference that sets them apart for the masses is they never gave up.  When they hit the wall, they got back up and ran at it again until they scaled it! 

I have another example of tenacity and resilience I'd like to share with you.  A business partner of mine has been experiencing quite a few hardships as he launched his business.  I tell you, if I wasn't as strong as I am, I probably would have laid down and rolled over if I had to deal with what he has in the last few weeks of launching a new business.  But no matter what comes up - he always brings his A-Game and positive attitude to the table.  When the chips are down - he just won't cave.  I have never had a doubt about him, but I do send up a lot of prayers that he does not give up.  Today - he had a major breakthrough.  He made his first individual sale and even set up and appointment with a retail location who is considering becoming a client.  I was so ecstatic, I started hooping and hollering for joy!!  I know my neighbors really think I'm crazy now!  But, SO WHAT! There is nowhere for my business partner to go but up now.  He's already hit rock bottom.  Everything will be gravy from this point forward.  He is a millionaire in the making.  I'm declaring that victory for him right now!

You see what happens when you don't give up?  My mom always told me the only thing that beats failure is trying.  NEVER EVER, EVER NEVER, NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!  I don't care how sick and tired you are of being sick and tired.  The enemy or competition wants to see you throw in your towel.  What you need to do is throw your towel at the enemy and say - "Wipe that smirk off your face!  It's not over until I say it's over!"  A wise man by the name of Thomas Edison once said - "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." 

Can't you see I'm not making up this stuff?  Way back before any of us were born - our ancestors and forefathers knew the secret to success.  The most educated, successful, talented, business savvy, humanitarian-oriented and wealthy people know this.  It's an adult game of follow the leader.  If its excellence you're striving for then you have to suck it up and stick it out.  Yeah, you're gonna be tired, you're going to feel defeated, you're going to hit the wall.  Just stay the course.  Your victory is just around the corner.

I don't want you to meet me there, beat me there!  Click on the link to begin your race to a successful finish!

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